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en:bs2_extracetemplatefaceex [2020/11/11 10:41]
en:bs2_extracetemplatefaceex [2024/05/28 19:47] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 ===== BS2_ExtractTemplateFaceEx ===== ===== BS2_ExtractTemplateFaceEx =====
-[+ 2.7.1] ''​FaceStation F2''​ Extracts template data by the face image. \\+[+ 2.7.1] ''​Visual Face based''​ Extracts template data by the face image. \\
 It is used to store templates on AOC(Access On Card). It is used to store templates on AOC(Access On Card).
 +<callout type="​warning"​ icon="​true">​
 +**Notice** \\
 +The extracted image must be delivered through [[BS2_GetNormalizedImageFaceEx]].
 ==== Declaration ==== ==== Declaration ====
 <code cpp> <code cpp>