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en:bs2_getnormalizedimagefaceex [2021/06/06 20:32]
kateyu [BS2_GetNormalizedImageFaceEx]
en:bs2_getnormalizedimagefaceex [2024/05/28 19:46] (current)
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 ===== BS2_GetNormalizedImageFaceEx ===== ===== BS2_GetNormalizedImageFaceEx =====
-[+ 2.8] ''​FaceStation F2''​Getting Image Warping from the raw image file of user face is available to use. \\+[+ 2.8] ''​Visual Face based''​ Getting Image Warping from the raw image file of user face is available to use. \\
 For 1:1 Server Matching, the Server Application can store the image warping per user. And then, the server would send the image warping of the user to the device when server matching is enabled and request the 1:1 verification. \\ For 1:1 Server Matching, the Server Application can store the image warping per user. And then, the server would send the image warping of the user to the device when server matching is enabled and request the 1:1 verification. \\
 For more details about image warping, refer to ''​flag''​ in [[face_api#​BS2FaceEx]]. \\ For more details about image warping, refer to ''​flag''​ in [[face_api#​BS2FaceEx]]. \\