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en:bs2_setsslserverportipv6 [2019/06/03 10:32]
yjjung created
en:bs2_setsslserverportipv6 [2019/06/03 10:32] (current)
yjjung [Parameter]
Line 15: Line 15:
 ==== Parameter ==== ==== Parameter ====
   * [In] ''//​context//''​ : Context   * [In] ''//​context//''​ : Context
-  * [In] ''//​serverport//''​ : 설정하고자 하는 ​port+  * [In] ''//​serverport//''​ : Server ​port
 ==== Return Value ==== ==== Return Value ====
 If successfully done, ''​BS_SDK_SUCCESS''​ will be returned. \\ If successfully done, ''​BS_SDK_SUCCESS''​ will be returned. \\
 If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned. If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned.