User Management API > BS2_PartialUpdateUserEx


[+ 2.8.3] Updates partial information of an already registered user. The user you want to renew must be a registered user.
You can optionally specify the partial information you want to update using the mask.
If you want to delete partial information, you can delete it in combination with BS2User infoMask.


#include "BS_API.h"
int BS2_PartialUpdateUserEx(void* context, uint32_t deviceId, BS2_USER_MASK mask, BS2UserBlobEx* userBlob, uint32_t userCount);


Value Description
0x0002 User settings (personal authentication mode, validity period)
0x0004 User Name
0x0008 Image
0x0010 PIN
0x0020 Card
0x0040 Fingerprint
0x0080 Face
0x0100 Access group
0x0200 Jobcode
0x0400 Private Message
0x0800 Face (Visual Face Support)
0x1000 User setting (Visual Face Support)

Return Value

If successfully done, BS_SDK_SUCCESS will be returned. If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned.
If it fails, it returns a corresponding error code, and if it is a device occurrence error, the event BS2_EVENT_USER_UPDATE_PARTIAL_FAIL is generated.

See Also


Sample Code

Sample Code Reference BS2_PartialUpdateUserFaceEx