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en:release_note_283 [2022/10/05 16:34]
en:release_note_283 [2024/10/14 08:51] (current)
mwkim [Modification function]
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-===== Version 2.8.3(V2.8.3.2) =====+===== Version 2.8.3 (V2.8.3.2) =====
 ==== Date==== ==== Date====
 2022-10-05 2022-10-05
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 <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ BioStation 3 Added connection support, related extended VoIP settings, and RTSP settings. \\ <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ BioStation 3 Added connection support, related extended VoIP settings, and RTSP settings. \\
-  * Refer to structure [[configuration_api#​BS2VoipConfigExt]]  +  * Add structure [[configuration_api#​BS2VoipConfigExt]]  
-  * API [[BS2_GetVoipConfigExt]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetVoipConfigExt]] 
-  * API [[BS2_SetVoipConfigExt]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_SetVoipConfigExt]] 
-  * Add Structure ​[[configuration_api#​BS2RtspConfig]] +  * Add structure ​[[configuration_api#​BS2RtspConfig]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetRtspConfig]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetRtspConfig]] 
-  * API [[BS2_SetRtspConfig]] ​has been added+  * Add API [[BS2_SetRtspConfig]]
 <text size="​x-large">​2.</​text>​ Added function to partially update user information. \\ <text size="​x-large">​2.</​text>​ Added function to partially update user information. \\
-  * API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUser]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUser]] 
-  * API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserEx]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserEx]] 
-  * API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserSmall]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserSmall]] 
-  * API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserSmallEx]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserSmallEx]] 
-  * API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserFaceEx]] ​has been added+  * Add API [[BS2_PartialUpdateUserFaceEx]]
 <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Added functionality to get user statistics held by the device. \\ <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Added functionality to get user statistics held by the device. \\
-  * Refer to structure [[user_management_api#​BS2UserStatistic]] +  * Add structure [[user_management_api#​BS2UserStatistic]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetUserStatistic]] ​has been added+  * Add API [[BS2_GetUserStatistic]]
 <text size="​x-large">​4.</​text>​ Added file log function for debugging that allows file segmentation to be saved.\\ <text size="​x-large">​4.</​text>​ Added file log function for debugging that allows file segmentation to be saved.\\
-  * API [[BS2_SetDebugFileLogEx]] ​has been added+  * Add API [[BS2_SetDebugFileLogEx]]
 \\ \\
-==== Modification function ​====+==== Modified Features ​====
 <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ When outputting log files for debugging, the time information displayed has been modified to display up to milliseconds. \\ <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ When outputting log files for debugging, the time information displayed has been modified to display up to milliseconds. \\
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 <text size="​x-large">​2.</​text>​ The face setting method changes. \\ <text size="​x-large">​2.</​text>​ The face setting method changes. \\
-In the face detection stage, face width, which represents the width of the face image, search range, which represents the search range, are entered in pixels\\+In the face detection stage, face width, which represents the width of the face image, search range, which represents the search range, are entered in pixels.\\
 This was a rather difficult input unit for the user to set up. \\ This was a rather difficult input unit for the user to set up. \\
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 As of the time SDK V2.8.3 is distributed,​ only '​BioStation 3' can be distance-based,​ and then extended to '​FaceStation F2' is planned. \\ As of the time SDK V2.8.3 is distributed,​ only '​BioStation 3' can be distance-based,​ and then extended to '​FaceStation F2' is planned. \\
-  * Refer to API [[configuration_api#​BS2FaceConfig]]+  * Refer to structure ​[[configuration_api#​BS2FaceConfig]]
 <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Added information such as user update support, simulated unlock support, RTSP support, Visual QR support, and extension number registered in Extended VoIP. \\ <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Added information such as user update support, simulated unlock support, RTSP support, Visual QR support, and extension number registered in Extended VoIP. \\
-  ​* Refer to API [[device_api#​BS2DeviceCapabilities]]+ 
 +  ​* Refer to structure ​[[device_api#​BS2DeviceCapabilities]]
 <text size="​x-large">​4.</​text>​ In the user structure, an infoMask has been added to indicate what credential information the user has. \\ <text size="​x-large">​4.</​text>​ In the user structure, an infoMask has been added to indicate what credential information the user has. \\