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en:release_note_291 [2023/03/02 13:44]
en:release_note_291 [2024/10/24 14:58] (current)
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 ===== Version 2.9.1 (V2.9.1.0) ===== ===== Version 2.9.1 (V2.9.1.0) =====
 ==== Date ==== ==== Date ====
 \\ \\
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 <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ Added device license activation feature. \\ <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ Added device license activation feature. \\
-  * Refer to structure [[configuration_api#​BS2License]] +  * Add structure [[configuration_api#​BS2License]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[configuration_api#​BS2LicenseConfig]] +  * Add structure [[configuration_api#​BS2LicenseConfig]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[sdk_api#​BS2LicenseBlob]] +  * Add structure [[sdk_api#​BS2LicenseBlob]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[sdk_api#​BS2LicenseResult]] +  * Add structure [[sdk_api#​BS2LicenseResult]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetLicenseConfig]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetLicenseConfig]] 
-  * API [[BS2_EnableDeviceLicense]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_EnableDeviceLicense]] 
-  * API [[BS2_DisableDeviceLicense]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_DisableDeviceLicense]] 
-  * API [[BS2_QueryDeviceLicense]] ​has been added+  * Add API [[BS2_QueryDeviceLicense]]
-<text size="​x-large">​2.</​text>​ Added features for QR cdoe authentication by using the camera. \\+<text size="​x-large">​2.</​text>​ Added features for QR code authentication by using the camera. \\
-  * Refer to API [[configuration_api#​BS2BarcodeConfig]]+  * Refer to structure ​[[configuration_api#​BS2BarcodeConfig]]
 <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Added retry count for communication used when an error occurs while reading or writing packets from the socket during communication. \\ <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Added retry count for communication used when an error occurs while reading or writing packets from the socket during communication. \\
 <callout type="​warning"​ icon="​true">​ <callout type="​warning"​ icon="​true">​
-**Warning** \\ +**CAUTION** \\ 
-Increasing ​thenumber ​of retries is a way to resolve temporary errors, but care must be taken as direct causes such as network disconnection occurs, can lead to wasted resources by meaningless read/write retries when reconnection is required. \\+Increasing ​the number ​of retries is a way to resolve temporary errors, but care must be taken as direct causes such as network disconnection occurs, can lead to wasted resources by meaningless read/write retries when reconnection is required. \\
 </​callout>​ </​callout>​
-  * API [[BS2_GetSocketRetryCount]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetSocketRetryCount]] 
-  * API [[BS2_SetSocketRetryCount]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_SetSocketRetryCount]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetSocketSSLRetryCount]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetSocketSSLRetryCount]] 
-  * API [[BS2_SetSocketSSLRetryCount]] ​has been added+  * Add API [[BS2_SetSocketSSLRetryCount]]
 <text size="​x-large">​4.</​text>​ Added feature to connect and manage 3rd party OSDP. \\ <text size="​x-large">​4.</​text>​ Added feature to connect and manage 3rd party OSDP. \\
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDevice]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDevice]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAvailable]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAvailable]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardNotify]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardNotify]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[configuration_api#​BS2OsdpStandardConfig]] +  * Add structure [[configuration_api#​BS2OsdpStandardConfig]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[configuration_api#​BS2OsdpStandardActionConfig]] +  * Add structure [[configuration_api#​BS2OsdpStandardActionConfig]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAdd]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAdd]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceUpdate]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapability]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceCapability]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceResult]] 
-  * Refer to structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey]] +  * Add structure [[slave_control_api#​BS2OsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardConfig]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardConfig]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardActionConfig]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardActionConfig]] 
-  * API [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardActionConfig]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardActionConfig]] 
-  * API [[BS2_AddOsdpStandardDevice]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_AddOsdpStandardDevice]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardDevice]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardDevice]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetAvailableOsdpStandardDevice]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetAvailableOsdpStandardDevice]] 
-  * API [[BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_UpdateOsdpStandardDevice]] 
-  * API [[BS2_RemoveOsdpStandardDevice]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_RemoveOsdpStandardDevice]] 
-  * API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardDeviceCapability]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardDeviceCapability]] 
-  * API [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey]] ​has been added +  * Add API [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey]] 
-  * API [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceStatusListener]] ​has been added+  * Add API [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceStatusListener]]
   * Add callback function [[server_api#​OnOsdpStandardDeviceStatusChanged]]   * Add callback function [[server_api#​OnOsdpStandardDeviceStatusChanged]]
 \\ \\
-==== Modification function ​====+==== Modified Features ​====
 <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ Fixed memory leak caused by network switches keepalive check being misunderstood by the SDK. \\ <text size="​x-large">​1.</​text>​ Fixed memory leak caused by network switches keepalive check being misunderstood by the SDK. \\
-<text size="​x-large">​2.</​text> ​Fixed an issue caused when performing ​log dump internally from the SDK that can lead to an abnormal ​shutdown. \\+<text size="​x-large">​2.</​text> ​This is problem that occurs ''​only in version'',​ and a problem ​that can lead to abnormal ​termination during user registration while taking a log dump inside the SDK has been fixed. \\
 <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Fixes were made to stabilize the code internally in the SDK. \\ <text size="​x-large">​3.</​text>​ Fixes were made to stabilize the code internally in the SDK. \\