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en:slave_control_api [2024/01/09 11:15]
kkshin [BS2OsdpStandardDeviceAvailable]
en:slave_control_api [2024/10/24 14:44] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
   * [[BS2_GetSlaveDevice]]:​ Searches a slave device from the RS-485 network.   * [[BS2_GetSlaveDevice]]:​ Searches a slave device from the RS-485 network.
   * [[BS2_SetSlaveDevice]]:​ Add/​Modify/​Delete a slave device from the master device.   * [[BS2_SetSlaveDevice]]:​ Add/​Modify/​Delete a slave device from the master device.
   * [[BS2_GetSlaveExDevice]]:​ In case of CoreStation,​ searches a slave device from the RS-485 network.   * [[BS2_GetSlaveExDevice]]:​ In case of CoreStation,​ searches a slave device from the RS-485 network.
   * [[BS2_SetSlaveExDevice]]:​ In case of CoreStation,​ Add/​Modify/​Delete a slave device from the master device.   * [[BS2_SetSlaveExDevice]]:​ In case of CoreStation,​ Add/​Modify/​Delete a slave device from the master device.
Line 17: Line 16:
   * [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardDeviceCapability]]:​ [+ 2.9.1] Gets OSDP device support information.   * [[BS2_GetOsdpStandardDeviceCapability]]:​ [+ 2.9.1] Gets OSDP device support information.
   * [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey]]:​ [+ 2.9.1] Set the security key for the OSDP device.   * [[BS2_SetOsdpStandardDeviceSecurityKey]]:​ [+ 2.9.1] Set the security key for the OSDP device.
 +  * [[BS2_SetSlaveBaudrate]]:​ [+ 2.9.8] Set the RS-485 baud rate of a slave device connected to a master device.
 <WRAP alert> <WRAP alert>
Line 175: Line 175:
-==== BS2OsdpStandardNotify ​====+==== BS2OsdpStandardDeviceNotify ​====
 <code cpp> <code cpp>
 typedef struct { typedef struct {
Line 197: Line 197:
  BS2_BOOL readInfo;​ ///<​ 1 byte  BS2_BOOL readInfo;​ ///<​ 1 byte
  uint8_t reserved[5];​ ///<​ 5 bytes (packing)  uint8_t reserved[5];​ ///<​ 5 bytes (packing)
-BS2OsdpStandardNotify; ///< 48 bytes+BS2OsdpStandardDeviceNotify; ///< 48 bytes
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 1. //​deviceID//​ \\  1. //​deviceID//​ \\ 
Line 370: Line 370:
 <WRAP group 50%> <WRAP group 50%>
 ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^ ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^
-|0  |Success ​ | +|0  |Fail  | 
-|1  |Fail  | +|1  |Success ​ |
-|2  |Not available ​ |+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​