Version 2.8.2 (V2.8.2.3)



Modified Features

1. Supported Linux environments have been upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04.

SDK Version Supported Linux Version
Before V2.8.2 Ubuntu 16.04
Later V2.8.2 Ubuntu 18.04

2. OpenSSL has been modified to support 1.1.1i from the existing 1.0.2n.

3. Fixed an issue where a BS_SDK_ERROR_SOCKET_IS_NOT_CONNECTED error occurred when calling BS2_GetFactoryConfig on an IPv6 operating device.

4. Fixed an issue that could cause a BS_SDK_ERROR_TIMEOUT error when enrolling many image-based users on FaceStation F2 devices.

5. Fixed the problem that BS2_SetDebugExCallback does not work after V2.7.2.20.

6. Removed incorrect support configuration for FaceStation F2. (WLAN)

7. Removed incorrect support configuration for XStation 2. (VoIP)

8. Added incorrect support configuration for BioEntry R2 devices. (Wiegand)

9. Fix reserved2 resizing error due to adding useScreenSaver in C# example.

10. There were fixes for stabilizing the code inside the SDK.