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Device API

API that controls the device information or upgrade the firmware.


typedef struct
    uint32_t id;
    uint16_t type;
    uint8_t connectionMode;
    uint32_t ipv4Address;
    uint16_t port;
    uint32_t maxNumOfUser;
    uint8_t userNameSupported;
    uint8_t userPhotoSupported;
    uint8_t pinSupported;
    uint8_t cardSupported;
    uint8_t fingerSupported;
    uint8_t faceSupported;
    uint8_t wlanSupported;
    uint8_t tnaSupported;
    uint8_t triggerActionSupported;
    uint8_t wiegandSupported;
    uint8_t imageLogSupported;
    uint8_t dnsSupported;
    uint8_t jobCodeSupported;
    uint8_t wiegandMultiSupported;		
    uint8_t rs485Mode;		
    uint8_t sslSupported;		
    uint8_t rootCertExist;		
    uint8_t dualIDSupported;		
    uint8_t useAlphanumericID;		
    uint32_t connectedIP;
    uint8_t phraseCodeSupported;
    uint8_t card1xSupported;
    uint8_t systemExtSupported;
    uint8_t voipSupported;

1. id
The device identifier which is always above 1.

2. type
Code value of device type.

Value Description
0x01 BioEntry Plus
0x02 BioEntry W
0x03 BioLite Net
0x04 Xpass
0x05 Xpass S2
0x06 Secure IO 2
0x07 DM-20
0x08 BioStation 2
0x09 BioStation A2
0x0A FaceStation 2
0x0B IO Device
0x0C BioStation L2
0x0D BioEntry W2
0x0E CoreStation ​
0x0F Output Module
0x10 Input Module
0x11 BioEntry P2
0x0F OM-120

3. connectionMode
It indicates the connection mode between the BioStar application and device which is separated by the subject of the connection as direct mode(0x0) and server mode(0x1). The BioStar application connects to the device in direct mode, and the device connects to the BioStar application in server mode. The default settings for the devices are direct mode, and to change the connection mode refer to IP Config.

4. ipv4Address
IP address of the selected device.

5. port
TCP port number of the selected device.

6. maxNumOfUser
Maximum capacity of users that can be stored in the device.

7. userNameSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports user name.

8. userPhotoSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports user profile picture.

9. pinSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports PIN.

10. cardSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports Smart card authentication.

11. fingerSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports finger authentication.

12. faceSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports face recognition.

13. wlanSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports wireless LAN.

14. tnaSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports time and attendance.

15. triggerActionSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports trigger action.

16. wiegandSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports wiegand.

17. imageLogSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports image logs.

18. dnsSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports DNS.

19. jobCodeSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports job codes.

20. wiegandMultiSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports Multi-Wiegand.

21. rs485Mode
RS-485 mode of the device.

22. sslSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports SSL communication.

23. rootCertExist
Flag that notifies whether the device has a root certificate.

24. dualIDSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports alphanumeric ID.

25. useAlphanumericID
Flag that notifies whether the device is currently using Alphanumeric ID.

26. connectedIP
IP address where the device is connected to. (0xFFFFFFFF if disconnected)

27. phraseCodeSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports personal messages.

28. card1xSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports reading 1.x ToC cards.

29. systemExtSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports configuring RS-485 keys.

30. voipSupported
Flag that notifies whether the device supports VoIP.


Retrieves BS2SimpleDeviceInfo and supported information.

typedef struct
        BS2_SUPPORT_RS485EX = 0x00000001,
        BS2_SUPPORT_CARDEX  = 0x00000002,
        BS2_SUPPORT_DST     = 0x00000004,
    uint32_t supported;
    uint8_t  reserved[4];

1. supported
The current device additionally obtains information beyond the functionality provided by BS2SimpleDeviceInfo.
By bit masking with the values defined below, you can check if it is supported.

Definition Value Description
BS2_SUPPORT_RS485EX 0x00000001 Whether RS485 extensions are supported (In case of CoreStation 40)
BS2_SUPPORT_CARDEX 0x00000002 Whether iClass SEOS card is used
BS2_SUPPORT_DST 0x00000004 Whether daylight savings time is used
BS2_SUPPORT_ALL 0x00000007 Whether to provide additional full information

2. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct
    uint8_t type;
    uint32_t numResData;
    struct {
        uint8_t index;
        uint32_t dataLen;
        uint8_t* data;

1. type
Resource data type.

Value Description Supported data format
0 UI(Langauge pack) Suprema language pack
1 Notice message UTF-8 string
2 Image(Background) PNG
3 Slide image PNG
4 Sound WAVE

2. numResData
Number of resource data.

3. index
Resource index number.

4. dataLen
Resource data length.

5. data
Binary resource data.


enum {
typedef struct
    BS2_DEVICE_ID id;
    uint8_t reserved[1];
    uint8_t bIPv6Mode;
    char ipv6Address[BS2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE];
    uint16_t portV6;
    char connectedIPV6[BS2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE];
    uint8_t numOfAllocatedAddressV6;
    char allocatedIpAddressV6[BS2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE][BS2_MAX_IPV6_ALLOCATED_ADDR];

1. id
Device ID

2. reserved
Reserved space

3. bIPv6Mode
Flag to determine whether to work IPv6 mode or not.

4. ipv6Address
IPv6 address of device

5. portV6
IPv6 port of device

6. connectedIPV6
IPv6 address of server which device is connected.

7. numOfAllocatedAddressV6
Number of IPv6 addresses currently allocated to device. 8. allocatedIpAddressV6
IPv6 addresses currently allocated to device.


typedef struct {
    char userID[BS2_USER_ID_SIZE];
    uint8_t level;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
} BS2Operator;
typedef BS2Operator BS2AuthOperatorLevel;

1. userID
사용자 식별자입니다.

2. level
사용자가 인증되었을 때 식별자에 해당하는 권한을 지정합니다.

0 권한 없음
1 관리자 권한
2 시스템 구성을 변경할 수 있는 권한
3 사용자 정보를 변경할 수 있는 권한

3. reserved
예약된 공간입니다.