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en:log_management_api [2017/09/06 17:14] external edit
en:log_management_api [2024/02/27 13:53]
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-====== Log Management API ====== 
-API that controls the device log. 
-  * [[BS2_GetLog]]:​ Gets certain amount of logs. 
-  * [[BS2_GetFilteredLog]]:​ Gets filtered logs. 
-  * [[BS2_ClearLog]]:​ Deletes all logs. 
-  * [[BS2_StartMonitoringLog]]:​ Starts Real-time log streaming. ​ 
-  * [[BS2_StopMonitoringLog]]:​ Stops Real-time log streaming. ​ 
-  * [[BS2_GetLogBlob]]:​ Gets certain amount of logs based on the event mask. 
-  * [[BS2_GetFilteredLogSinceEventId]]:​​ Gets filtered logs. 
-===== Callback Function ===== 
-<code cpp> 
-typedef void (*OnLogReceived)(uint32_t deviceId, BS2Event* log); 
-**1. //​OnLogReceived//​** \\  
-Callback function that is called when a new log is received. \\ \\  
-===== Structure ===== 
-==== BS2Event ==== 
-<code cpp> 
-typedef struct { 
-    uint32_t id; 
-    uint32_t dateTime; 
-    uint32_t deviceID; 
-    union { 
-        char userID[BS2_USER_ID_SIZE];​ 
-        uint32_t ioDeviceID; 
-    }; 
-    union { 
-        uint16_t code; 
-        struct { 
-            uint8_t mainCode; 
-            uint8_t subCode; 
-        }; 
-    }; 
-    uint8_t param; 
-    uint8_t image; 
-} BS2Event; 
-**1. //id//** \\  
-Log record ID which automatically increases from 1 when the log is generated. Starts from 1 when the logs are all deleted. \\ \\  
-**2. //​dateTime//​** \\  
-The time when the log has been generated. It means the seconds past from UTC until the current time. \\ \\  
-**3. //​deviceID//​** \\  
-ID of the device that generated the log. \\ \\  
-**4. //​userID//​** \\  
-User ID related to log. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to user. \\ \\  
-**5. //​ioDeviceID//​** \\  
-Door or Input device ID. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to Door or Input device. \\ \\  
-**6. //​mainCode//​** \\  
-Main code value of log types. \\ 
-^Category ​ ^Event code  ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^ 
-|Auth  |BS2_EVENT_VERIFY_SUCCESS ​ |0x10  |1:N authentication success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_VERIFY_FAIL ​ |0x11  |1:N authentication fail  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_VERIFY_DURESS ​ |0x12  |1:N duress authentication success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_IDENTIFY_SUCCESS ​ |0x13  |1:1 authentication success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_IDENTIFY_FAIL ​ |0x14  |1:1 authentication fail  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_IDENTIFY_DURESS ​ |0x15  |1:1 duress authentication success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DUAL_AUTH_SUCCESS ​ |0x16  |Dual authentication success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DUAL_AUTH_FAIL ​ |0x17  |Dual authentication fail  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED ​ |0x18  |Attempted to authenticate with the non-registered credential| 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED ​ |0x19  |Invalid user attempted to authenticate or user violated the APB rule| 
-|User  |BS2_EVENT_USER_ENROLL_SUCCESS ​ |0x20  |User enroll success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_USER_ENROLL_FAIL ​ |0x21  |User enroll fail  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_USER_UPDATE_SUCCESS ​ |0x22  |User update success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_USER_UPDATE_FAIL ​ |0x23  |User update fail  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_USER_DELETE_SUCCESS ​ |0x24  |User delete success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_USER_DELETE_FAIL ​ |0x25  |User delete fail  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_USER_DELETE_ALL_SUCCESS ​ |0x26  |Delete all user success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_USER_ISSUE_AOC_SUCCESS ​ |0x26  |Authentication success with access card | 
-|Device ​ |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_SYSTEM_RESET ​ |0x30  |System reset  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_SYSTEM_STARTED ​ |0x31  |System started ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_TIME_SET ​ |0x32  |System time set  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_LINK_CONNECTED ​ |0x33  |LAN cable connected ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_LINK_DISCONNETED ​ |0x34  |LAN cable disconnected ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_DHCP_SUCCESS ​ |0x35  |IP address allocated by DHCP  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADMIN_MENU ​ |0x36  |Open administrator menu  | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_UI_LOCKED ​ |0x37  |Screen locked ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_UI_UNLOCKED ​ |0x38  |Screen unlocked ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_COMM_LOCKED ​ |0x39  |RS485 communication locked ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_COMM_UNLOCKED ​ |0x3A  |RS485 communication unlocked ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_TCP_CONNECTED ​ |0x3B  |TCP connected ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_TCP_DISCONNECTED ​ |0x3C  |TCP disconnected ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_RS485_CONNECTED ​ |0x3D  |RS485 connected ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_RS485_DISCONNCTED ​ |0x3E  |RS485 disconnected ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_INPUT_DETECTED ​ |0x3F  |Input device detected ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_TAMPER_ON ​ |0x40  |Device or peripheral was removed| 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_TAMPER_OFF ​ |0x41  |Device or peripheral was reconnected| 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_EVENT_LOG_CLEARED ​ |0x42  |Log was deleted| 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_FIRMWARE_UPGRADED ​ |0x43  |Firmware was updated| 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_RESOURCE_UPGRADED ​ |0x44  |Resource was updated| 
-|::: |BS2_EVENT_DEVICE_CONFIG_RESET ​ |0x45  |System information was initialized| 
-|Door  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_UNLOCKED ​ |0x50  |Door unlocked ​ | 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_LOCKED ​ |0x51  |Door locked ​ | 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_OPENED ​ |0x52  |Door opened ​ | 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_CLOSED ​ |0x53  |Door closed | 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_FORCED_OPEN ​ |0x54  |Door forced open  | 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_HELD_OPEN ​ |0x55  |Door held open  | 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_FORCED_OPEN_ALARM ​ |0x56  |Door-forced-to-open alarm has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_FORCED_OPEN_ALARM_CLEAR ​ |0x57  |Door-forced-to-open alarm was released| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_HELD_OPEN_ALARM ​ |0x58  |Door-held-open alarm has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_HELD_OPEN_ALARM_CLEAR ​ |0x59  |Door-held-open alarm was released| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_APB_ALARM ​ |0x5A  |Door-level anti-passback alarm has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_DOOR_APB_ALARM_CLEAR ​ |0x5B  |Door-level anti-passback alarm was released| 
-|Zone  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_APB_VIOLATION ​ |0x60  |Zone-level anti-passback rule has been violated| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_APB_ALARM ​ |0x61  |Zone-level anti-passback alarm has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_APB_ALARM_CLEAR ​ |0x62  |Zone-level anti-passback alarm was released| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_TIMED_APB_VIOLATION ​ |0x63  |Timed anti-passback rule has been violated| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_TIMED_APB_ALARM ​ |0x64  |Timed anti-passback alarm has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_TIMED_APB_ALARM_CLEAR ​ |0x65  |Timed anti-passback alarm was released| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_FIRE_ALARM_INPUT ​ |0x66  |Fire alarm input was detected| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_FIRE_ALARM ​ |0x67  |Fire alarm has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_FIRE_ALARM_CLEAR ​ |0x68  |Fire alarm was released| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_FORCED_LOCK_START ​ |0x69  |Door-forced-locked schedule has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_FORCED_LOCK_END ​ |0x6A  |Door-forced-locked schedule has ended| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_FORCED_UNLOCK_START ​ |0x6B  |Door-forced-unlocked schedule has started| 
-|:::  |BS2_EVENT_ZONE_FORCED_UNLOCK_END ​ |0x6C  |Door-forced-unlocked schedule has ended| 
-**7. //​subCode//​** \\  
-Sub code value of log types. Use if the additional information is necessary. \\ 
-^Category ^Event code  ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^ 
-|Verify ​ |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_ID_PIN ​ |0x01  |ID and PIN verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_ID_FINGER ​ |0x02  |ID and fingerprint verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_ID_FINGER_PIN ​ |0x03  |ID, fingerprint,​ and PIN verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_ID_FACE ​ |0x04  |ID and face verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_ID_FACE_PIN ​ |0x05  |ID, face, and PIN verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_CARD ​ |0x06  |Smart card verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_CARD_PIN ​ |0x07  |Smart card and PIN verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_CARD_FINGER ​ |0x08  |Smart card and fingerprint verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_CARD_FINGER_PIN ​ |0x09  |Smart card, fingerprint,​ and PIN verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_CARD_FACE ​ |0x0A  |Smart card and face verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_CARD_FACE_PIN ​ |0x0B  |Smart card, PIN, and face verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_AOC ​ |0x0C  |AOC card verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_AOC_PIN ​ |0x0D  |AOC card and PIN verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_AOC_FINGER ​ |0x0E  |AOC card and fingerprint verification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_VERIFY_AOC_FINGER_PIN ​ |0x0F  |AOC card, fingerprint,​ PIN verification success ​ | 
-|Identify ​ |BS2_SUB_EVENT_IDENTIFY_FINGER ​ |0x01  |Fingerprint identification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_IDENTIFY_FINGER_PIN ​ |0x02  |Fingerprint and PIN identification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_IDENTIFY_FACE ​ |0x03  |Face identification success ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_IDENTIFY_FACE_PIN ​ |0x04  |Face and PIN identification success ​ | 
-|Auth  |BS2_SUB_EVENT_DUAL_AUTH_FAIL_TIMEOUT ​ |0x01  |Dual authentication timeout ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_DUAL_AUTH_FAIL_ACCESS_GROUP ​ |0x02  |Attempted the dual authentication with invalid user| 
-|Credential ​ |BS2_SUB_EVENT_CREDENTIAL_ID ​ |0x01  |Invalid user ID| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_CREDENTIAL_CARD ​ |0x02  |Invalid Smart card  | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_CREDENTIAL_PIN ​ |0x03  |Invalid PIN  | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_CREDENTIAL_FINGER ​ |0x04  |Invalid fingerprint ​ | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_CREDENTIAL_FACE ​ |0x05  |Invalid face  | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_CREDENTIAL_AOC_PIN ​ |0x06  |Invalid AOC PIN  | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_CREDENTIAL_AOC_FINGER ​ |0x07  |Invalid AOC fingerprint ​ | 
-|Auth  |BS2_SUB_EVENT_AUTH_FAIL_INVALID_AUTH_MODE ​ |0x01  |Invalid authentication mode  | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_AUTH_FAIL_INVALID_CREDENTIAL ​ |0x02  |Non-registered authentication method| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_AUTH_FAIL_TIMEOUT ​ |0x03  |Authentication timeout ​ | 
-|Access ​ |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED_ACCESS_GROUP ​ |0x01  |Access was denied because the user has not been registered for the access group| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED_DISABLED ​ |0x02  |Access was denied because the user is inactive| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED_EXPIRED ​ |0x03  |Access was denied because the user entry period was expired| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED_ON_BLACKLIST ​ |0x04  |Access was denied because the card is on the blacklist| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED_APB ​ |0x05  |Access was denied because the user has violated the anti-passback rule| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED_TIMED_APB ​ |0x06  |Access was denied because the user tried to enter the timed anti-passback zone within the limited time frame| 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ACCESS_DENIED_FORCED_LOCK ​ |0x07  |Access was denied because the zone was forced to be locked| 
-|APB  |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ZONE_HARD_APB ​ |0x01  |Hard APB zone  | 
-|::: |BS2_SUB_EVENT_ZONE_SOFT_APB ​ |0x02  |Soft APB zone  | 
-**8. //param//** \\  
-It is used only when extra information on the device is needed. Usually, a time and attendance code, a port number of the door or input device is stored in the //param// argument. 
-When a time and attendance code is stored, refer to the following values: 
-<WRAP group 60%> 
-^Device Type ^T&A Code  ^Mapped Key  ^Value^ 
-|BioStation 2|BS2_TNA_UNSPECIFIED|(N/​A)|0| 
-**9. //image//** \\  
-It is used when the event includes image information. 
-==== BS2EventBlob==== 
-<code cpp> 
-typedef struct { 
-    uint16_t eventMask; 
-    uint32_t id; 
-    BS2EventExtInfo info;  
-    union 
-    { 
- BS2_USER_ID userID; ​                      // valid if eventMask has BS2_EVENT_MASK_USER_ID 
- uint8_t cardID[BS2_CARD_DATA_SIZE]; ​      // valid if eventMask has BS2_EVENT_MASK_CARD_ID 
- BS2_DOOR_ID doorID; ​                      // valid if eventMask has BS2_EVENT_MASK_DOOR_ID 
- BS2_ZONE_ID zoneID; ​                      // valid if eventMask has BS2_EVENT_MASK_ZONE_ID 
- BS2EventExtIoDevice ioDevice; ​            // valid if eventMask has BS2_EVENT_MASK_IODEVICE 
-    }; 
-    uint8_t tnaKey; 
-    uint32_t jobCode; ​   ​ 
-    uint16_t imageSize; 
-    uint8_t image[BS2_EVENT_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE];​ 
-    uint8_t reserved; 
-} BS2EventBlob;​ 
-1. //​eventMask//​ \\  
-Event mask value. Logs will be retrieved based on the mask value such as user, card, door, or zone.\\ \\  
-<WRAP group 50%> 
-^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^ 
-|0     ​|None ​ | 
-|1     ​|BS2EventExtInfo structure | 
-|2     |User ID | 
-|4     |Card ID | 
-|8     |Door ID | 
-|16    |Zone ID | 
-|32    |BS2EventExtIoDevice structure ​ | 
-|64    |Door ID | 
-|128   |Zone ID | 
-|256   |TNA Key | 
-|512   |Job Code | 
-|1024  |Image | 
-|65535 |ALL | 
-2. //id// \\  
-Log record ID which automatically increases from 1 when the log is generated. Starts from 1 when the logs are all deleted. \\ \\  
-3. //info// \\  
-BS2EventExtInfo structure information. \\ \\  
-4. //userID// \\  
-User ID related to log. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to user. \\ \\  
-5. //cardID// \\  
-Card ID related to log. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to card.  \\ \\  
-6. //doorID// \\  
-Door ID related to log. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to door.  \\ \\  
-7. //zoneID// \\  
-Zone ID related to log. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to zone.  \\ \\  
-8. //​ioDevice//​ \\  
-Door or input device ID related to log. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to door or input. Refer to BS2EventExtIoDevice structure.\\ \\  
-9. //tnaKey// \\  
-The T&A key that has been used for the authentication. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to T&A key. \\ \\ 
-10. //jobCode// \\  
-The job code that has been used for the authentication. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to job code. \\ \\ 
-11. //​imageSize//​ \\  
-Size of the image when there is an image log. \\ \\ 
-12. //image// \\  
-Data of the image. \\ \\ 
-13. //​reserved//​ \\  
-Reserved space.\\ \\ 
-==== BS2EventExtInfo==== 
-<code cpp> 
-typedef struct { 
-    uint32_t dateTime; 
-    uint32_t deviceID; ​   ​ 
-    union {                                       ///<​ 2 bytes 
- BS2_EVENT_CODE code; 
- struct { 
- uint8_t subCode; 
- uint8_t mainCode; 
- }; 
- }; 
- uint8_t reserved[2];​ 
-} BS2EventExtInfo;​ 
-1. //​dateTime//​ \\  
-The time when the log has been generated. It means the seconds past from UTC until the current time.  \\ \\  
-2. //​deviceID//​ \\  
-ID of the device that generated the log.  \\ \\  
-3. //subCode// \\  
-Sub code value of log types. Use if the additional information is necessary. ​ \\ \\  
-4. //​mainCode//​ \\  
-Main code value of log types. ​  \\ \\  
-5. //​reserved//​ \\  
-Reserved space.\\ \\ 
-==== BS2EventExtIoDevice==== 
-<code cpp> 
-typedef struct { 
-    uint32_t ioDeviceID; 
-    uint16_t port;    ​ 
-    uint8_t value; 
-    uint8_t reserved[1];​ 
-} BS2EventExtInfo;​ 
-1. //​ioDeviceID//​ \\  
-Door or input device ID related to log. When the value is 0, the log is not relevant to door or input. \\ \\  
-2. //port// \\  
-Input port number.\\ \\  
-3. //value// \\  
-Status of the input port. \\ \\  
-<WRAP group 50%> 
-^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^ 
-|-1  |Unknown ​ | 
-|0   |Open | 
-|1   ​|Closed | 
-|2   ​|Supervised Short | 
-|3   ​|Supervised Open | 
-4. //​reserved//​ \\  
-Reserved space.\\ \\