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en:changing_the_device_language_custom [2022/11/03 13:12]
sungjun created
en:changing_the_device_language_custom [2022/11/03 14:56] (current)
sungjun [Changing Language Display at Custom Setting]
Line 5: Line 5:
 <​html>​ <​html>​
 <​center></​html>​ <​center></​html>​
-**[Before updating the resource file After updating the resource file]** \\+**[English Display at English Language Setting ​Spanish Display at Custom Language Setting]** \\
 <​html>​ <​html>​
 </​center></​html>​ </​center></​html>​
-{{ :en:changing_text_english_20.png?800 }} \\+{{ :en:changing_text_custom_14.png?​800 ​|}} \\
 It is possible to customize languages, or to change the message displayed on the device by configuring the device’s resource file. Follow the steps below to change the texts displayed on the device (Facestation F2). \\ It is possible to customize languages, or to change the message displayed on the device by configuring the device’s resource file. Follow the steps below to change the texts displayed on the device (Facestation F2). \\
Line 43: Line 43:
 {{ :​en:​changing_text_english_9.png?​500 }} {{ :​en:​changing_text_english_9.png?​500 }}
-===== Changing Language Display at English ​Setting ===== +===== Changing Language Display at Custom ​Setting ===== 
-While the device ​language is set at English, ​I will customize ​the “Access Granted” window to show WELCOME” instead. Here is a demonstration of changing the resource to display a different value from the default. \\+Here is a demonstration of putting a custom language to the deviceI will set the language to **Custom** and change ​the “Access Granted” window to display it in Spanish ​Accesso Permitido." ​\\
-1. Find the **English** section ​at the **Resource Table**. \\+*Note: If you use a language that requires a special font, scroll down the list and find the font at the end of the .rc file, uncomment and erase the section (for example, erase Latin :), and add **60000** to apply the font. \\
-{{ :en:changing_text_english_10.png?500 }}+{{ :en:changing_text_custom_1.png?​500 ​|}} 
 +{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_2.png?​500 |}}
-2Find “Access Granted” and double click to edit. Change to “WELCOME.” ​\\+**exSelecting Latin Font to display the username or text in Latin** ​\\
-{{ :​en:​changing_text_english_11.png?500 }} \\ +1. Find the **Custom** section at the **Resource Table**. \\
-{{ :​en:​changing_text_english_12.png?​500 }}+
-3Press **Build**. A **.bin** file will be created at the location of the Resource Tool. I will rename the file to FSF2_RES_WELCOME. \\+{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_3.png?500 |}}
-{{ :​en:​changing_text_english_13.png?500 }} \\ +2Find “Access Granted” and double click to edit. Change to “Acceso Permitido.” ​\\
-{{ :​en:​changing_text_english_14.png?​500 }}+
-4Copy the **.bin** to <Program Files -> BioStar 2(x64) -> resource>​. Continue with administrator permission. \\+{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_4.png?500 |}} 
 +{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_5.png?500 |}}
-{{ :en:changing_text_english_15.png?500 }} \\ +3. Press **Build**. A **.bin** file will be created at the location of the Resource Tool. I will rename the file to FSF2_RES_Spanish. \\ 
-{{ :en:changing_text_english_16.png?500 }}+ 
 +{{ :en:changing_text_custom_6.png?​500 ​|}} 
 +{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_7.png?​500 |}} 
 +4. Copy the new **.bin** to <Program Files -> BioStar 2(x64) -> resource>​. Continue with administrator permission. ​\\ 
 +{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_8.png?​500 |}} 
 +{{ :en:changing_text_custom_9.png?​500 ​|}}
 5. Login to BioStar 2. \\ 5. Login to BioStar 2. \\
Line 73: Line 80:
 7. Go to **Advanced** -> **Display/​Sound**. Press **Update Resources**. \\ 7. Go to **Advanced** -> **Display/​Sound**. Press **Update Resources**. \\
-{{ :en:changing_text_english_18.png?700 }}+{{ :en:changing_text_custom_10.png?​700 ​|}} 
 +8. The **.bin** file inserted to the resource folder should show up. Press the **.bin** file and press **Apply**. \\ 
 +{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_11.png?​700 |}}
 If successful, this message will appear. \\ If successful, this message will appear. \\
Line 79: Line 90:
 {{ :​en:​changing_text_english_19.png?​250 }} {{ :​en:​changing_text_english_19.png?​250 }}
-9. The device will reset after applying the resource file. Check to see if the customization is applied on the device through authentication. \\ \\+9. The device will reset after applying the resource file. Go back to the **Display/​Sound** settings and change the **Language** to **Custom**. Press **Apply**. \\ 
 +{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_12.png?​700 |}} 
 +{{ :​en:​changing_text_custom_13.png?​700 |}} 
 +10. Check to see if the customization is applied on the device through authentication. \\ \\
-{{ :en:changing_the_device_language_or_device_text_message_english_.mp4?​900x506 |}} \\+{{ :en:changing_the_device_language_or_device_text_message_custom_.mp4?​900x506 |}} \\
 ---- ----