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en:how_to_edit_the_report [2024/08/20 11:01]
kate [Editing Punch Log]
en:how_to_edit_the_report [2024/08/20 11:06] (current)
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 <callout type="​primary"​ icon="​true"> ​ <callout type="​primary"​ icon="​true"> ​
 Try checking **Rebuild Time Card** and then click **Update Report** if your report seems out of date</​callout>​ Try checking **Rebuild Time Card** and then click **Update Report** if your report seems out of date</​callout>​
 +==== Option 2 ====
 +1. Click on the **Report** tab in the **Time Attendance menu**. ​  \\
 +2. Generate a report by selecting **Period**, **Report Type**, **User Group/Use** and clicking **Update Report**. \\
 +3. Click on a row of the report. \\
 +4. Click on the calendar icon on the right top corner. \\
 +{{:​en:​2x_sc_editing_ta_report_009.jpg?​100|}} \\
 +5. Click on the **Work Time** (light grey) item of the day. \\
 +6. Edit the punch log by clicking on the pencil. \\