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en:ssl [2019/01/02 18:19]
sypark1 created
en:ssl [2019/01/02 18:25] (current)
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 ===== SSL ===== ===== SSL =====
-Short for Secure Sockets Layer, this term refers to a cryptographic protocol used to ensure security and data integrity when a web client and a web server communicate through a network. With its transformation into an international standard by the international standardization organization IETF, the protocol was renamed Transport Layer Security ​(TLS).+Short for Secure Sockets Layer, this term refers to a cryptographic protocol used to ensure security and data integrity when a web client and a web server communicate through a network.\\ 
 + With its transformation into an international standard by the international standardization organization IETF, the protocol was renamed ​[[tls|TLS]](Transport Layer Security).
 \\ \\