In the monitoring, six different sub monitoring types are supported to support each category of events more easily detected and noticed.
All the events are listed, but it's not updated automatically and needs to be refreshed to display new events.
1. Click funnel shaped icon on the each column and check event types to be filtered and searched.
2. The filtered combination can be saved and referred as a fixed search option.
Update and display events in real-time. But, as it has a page limit for event display, only the latest events are remained to be displayed.
Display the device status with device related alarm events and clear option.
Display the door status with relay status and door control options
Display the zone status and its alarm on/off options
1. When APB violation event occurs, the zone shows the last event with the user name who violates a APB rule.
2. Click the APB zone and click Clear APB if it's necessary to reset the APB status.
Note that the clear APB sets the zone to be the default status of allowing all the users entering the door regardless of their previous status. And the individual APB reset will be supported from the future updated version.
BioStar 2 supports acknowledge memo options to receive the selected alert events and take a memo for future reference
1. Go to the global setting and click Alert.
2. Mark the events to be alerted and click Apply.
3. Check the alert message box and type the actions taken in the memo section.
4. Go to MONITORING, and go to Alert History and click the memo icon in the status section. You can see the note taken to handle this event.