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Simplified visual mobile face enrollment process

Affected Version: BioStar 2.9.0 or above


(BioStar 2 AC license is required to use simplified visual mobile face enrollment process.)
(For further license information, please visit [BioStar 2] Server License Specification.

This function requires the use of the BioStar 2 Cloud service. BioStar 2 license is reuiqred to use Cloud service. To purchase a license, contact your place of purhcase or your Suprema sales representative. Contacts

1. Enable BioStar 2 cloud service.

2. Go to BioStar 2> Settings> Email Contents Setting and test out the email setting. If the test mail was sent correctly, click the Apply button to save the settings.

3. Set up Visual Face Mobile Enrollment contents → Apply

- Set Visual Face Mobile Enrollment to “Use”

Email Title / Company Name: Fill in the information

Company Logo: User can add company logo to be part of the email message being sent

Contact: type in the email address added on the particular user

Footer: send a short description of how to use & activate visual face enrollment

4. Add user email information to send visual mobile face enrollment link

5. Mark the user’s account and click “Send visual face mobile enrollment link”

6. User can open up their email on their mobile phone or tablet and start visual face register

7. Follow the guide shown on the screen to register your face photo.

8. The new algorithm added to the 2.9.0 version immediately allows users to check the success or failure of the facial template added on the mobile enrollment page.
User will be able to check the reasoning for failure of the facial template such as) can not detect face in the image.