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How to enroll a new user via Mobile App

1. Go to USER and check the current user status and tap + on the top.

2. Tap > in the User ID row and enter four digit numbers or higher. Only the user ID is a mandatory input data for new user creation. And tap Name and enter names, and choose BioStar Operator level according to his or her role. Once you save new user, you can then see the information message to add credentials.

3. Go to Credential and choose Fingerprint and tap + on the top. You can see the devices connected by TCP/IP. Select a device and enroll fingerprints following to the guide message. You enroll up to 10 fingerprints for one user.

4. As the same way, you can enroll a card by reading it on the connected device or assigning cards from the unassigned card list.

5. After entering all the data, tap on the top and check the updated user list.

6. If you want to edit the user data, select a user and tap the pencil icon on the top.

7. If the server is set to use Automatic User Synchronization, the updated user data are automatically reflected to all the devices, and the users can use the devices immediately.

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