How to use Alphanumeric IDs

Concept and Precautions

In BioStar version 2.4 and above you can use alphanumeric user IDs.
This means you can have a user ID with alphabets and special characters of hyphen (-) and underscore (_).
The length of the user ID can be up to 32 characters long.

There are several precautions you should be aware of.
1. You cannot use BioLite Net, BioEntry Plus, BioEntry W.
2. All users saved in Xpass and Xpass S2 will be deleted and all settings except for the network settings will be set to default.
3. When you switch back from alphanumeric format to number IDs, you have to delete all users in the server before proceeding because they are not compatible.

Configuring the server

You must update the firmware of the devices before proceeding. Below are the compatible devices and firmware list which is also shown in the administrator's manual.
- X-Station 2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- FaceStaion F2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- CoreStation FW 1.0.0 or later
- FaceStaion 2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- FaceLite FW 1.0.0 or later
- BioEntry W2 FW 1.1.0 or later
- BioStation L2 FW 1.2.0 or later
- BioStation A2 FW 1.3.0 or later
- BioStation 2 FW 1.4.0 or later
- BioLite N2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- BioEntry P2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- BioEntry R2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- XPass 2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- XPass D2 FW 1.0.0 or later
- Xpass FW 2.4.0 or later
- Xpass S2 FW 2.4.0 or later

1. Log in to BioStar 2.
2. Go to Setting > Server menu.
3. On the User/Device Management tab change the User ID Type to Alphanumeric.

4. Read the popup warning message carefully and click Continue.
5. Click Apply.

Now you can create alphanumeric users in the USER tab.