Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Fold/unfold all Table of Contents How to Back Up and Restore the Database 2.0 ~ 2.2.2 Database Backup and Restore 2.3~ Database Backup 2.3~ Database Restore Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! FAQ, BioStar 2, Backup How to Back Up and Restore the Database BioStar 2's database has gone through a few changes since it's release. The AC database started out with the SQLite Database and in version 2.2.1, the MariaDB T&A database was released. Starting version 2.3, both databases became Maria DB. Hence the backup method has changed as well. Refer to the image below to see the changes in the Database in BioStar 2 versions. Automatic database backup of AC database is only supported up to version 2.2.1 2.0 ~ 2.2.2 Database Backup and Restore You can use refer to the PDF below to back up your BioStar 2.0~2.2.2 database. Note that the AC database can be backed up easily with a copy and paste after stopping BioStar 2 services because it is a SQLite DB. For the T&A database, use the option to back up with the instructions shown in 2.3~ Database Backup below. If you want to download PDF file named BioStar 2.0~2.2.2 Database Backup and Restore, please visit to the FAQ section on our technical support system. Please click the the following link 2.3~ Database Backup You will have to install MySQL Workbench to back up and restore the database. Important Note for T&A Users If you are making a clean uninstall and reinstalling BioStar 2.3 in the server PC or if you are installing and restoring BioStar 2.3 in another PC, you will have to back up the security folder in the path below: C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\ta\security Copy the files in the folder and paste it the same path of your new BioStar 2.3 when restoring your T&A. This only applies to version 2.3 T&A and this process is not required for version 2.4 It is recommended to stop your BioStar 2 server when backing up and restoring the database. 1. Open a web browser. 2. Access the following link 3. Click Download Now to download MySQL Workbench. 4. Click Download to download the MSI Installer. 5. Click No thanks, just start my download. 6. Run the downloaded file. 7. It will ask you to install the prerequisites. Click Download Prerequisites. 8. The link will guide you to download the files below. Install if you don’t already have them: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 9. After installing all the prerequisites, run the MySQL Workbench installer again. 10. Launch MySQL Workbench. 11. Click the + sign. 12. Set a name for Connection Name. 13. Set the Port to 3312. 14. Enter your database administrator id in Username. The account you configured in the BioStar 2 express installation is root. 15. Click Store in Vault … and enter password. 16. Click Test Connection and check that it is successful. 17. If you see a Connection Warning click Continue Anyway. 18. Click Ok to connect to the database. 19. Select Data Export on the Navigator. 20. On Object Selection – Schema, select the database you want to back up. It is recommended to back up the AC and TA database separately. biostar2_ac is the AC database and biostar_tna is the T&A database. 21. On the right column Schema Objects, check that all tables are checked. 22. On Objects to Export check all three items. 23. For Export Options select Export to Self-Contained File. 24. Check Include Create Schema. 25. Click Start Export. The process will take several minutes and longer based on the size of your database. 2.3~ Database Restore 1. Install MySQL Work Bench and Connect to the database as shown above in the back up process. 2. Select Data Import/Restore. 3. Click Import from Self-Contained File radio button. 4. Select your file to import by pressing the … button. 5. Click Start Import. When you restore the T&A database, you have to stop and start all BioStar 2 services again with BioStar Setting.