Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Fold/unfold all Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! System Configuration, BioStar 2, Wiegand How to configure Wiegand Output With BioStar 2, Wiegand formats can be predefined and assigned to each device for easy configuration. Users can avoid cumbersome settings of applying the same format to multiple number of devices one by one. 1. Go to ‘Card Format’ in Setting of BioStar 2. 2. Select one of the default Wiegand format options or add a new Wiegand format. 3. Wiegand format can be set by assigning the total bits, ID field, and parity bits. For example, in order to configure 34 bits card format with parity bit checks by half of each even and odd parity check logic, it's necessary to set 'Start Bit' and 'End Bit' for each part. 4. Go to Device and expand ‘Advanced’ setting tap and scroll down, and set to use Out and choose one of predefined format. 5. Check Pulse Width and Pulse Interval, and adjust it if they are not matched to the 3rd party system values. 6. Set Enable Fail Code or Bypass Mode depending on the system usage. Enable Fail Code : Set to send out a fail code at auth failure. It enables 3rd party system to be able to detect auth fail events by checking the designated fail code number. Bypass Mode: It makes the device send out Card Data to 3rd party device without making an authentication. With this mode, the device works as a dummy device, and card data only can be transmitted through Wiegand. 7. Click Apply, and check the wiring between the devices, and swipe a card or put a fingerprint on the sensor. 8. Check 3rd party system monitoring, and input value. If there are no events and responses, check the wiring and pulse and Wiegand format. If there are error message, please try to change the card ID format and reading mode, such as Byte Order. (From Lenel Onguard) Video Demo wiegand_out.mp4