Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Fold/unfold all This is an old revision of the document! System Configuration, BioStar 2, User How to enroll users Although there are various ways of adding new users to your system, the below three methods are most frequently used. First is to add new users to the BioStar 2 server directly and transfer the data to the devices. Second is to add new users through BioStar 2 mobile app directly to the server and transfer to the devices. Last is to add users from the device and pull them to the server, and transfer to the other devices. Here, the second method is covered and explained in detail. Add new users through BioStar 2 client 1. Go to USER tap and click ADD USER button. 2. Fill out the mandatory fields and additional fields in the information section. The mandatory fields are Name and ID. And if you want to allow the user to use a mobile app, the user should be set to have one of BioStar Operator levels and its Login ID and Password. 3. Choose credentials you want to assign. For the PIN, it's required to input four digits or higher numbers, and Auth Mode indicates whether you use private authentication mode for this user. And when you enroll fingerprints, make sure to start with the high quality score(80 is recommended).This is because poor fingerprint quality can affect matching performance. Fingerprint enrollment steps: Select device Set the quality score to 80 or higher Click '+Add' button and select the fingerprint number, such as 1st and 2nd Click Scan button and put your fingerprint on the sensor Follow the direction and click 'Enroll' button after checking the enrolled fingerprint status 10 different fingerprints for one user can be enrolled. 4. Enroll new cards by clicking '+Card' button. Eight number of cards can be enrolled for one user. Three different registration methods are supported: Register a card by reading the card to the device Assign a card from the previously registered cards Enter card number manually and assign it to the user 5. Check overall data and make sure to click 'Apply' to register to the server DB. 6. If the server is set to use automatic user synchronization, the device will receive the new user data immediately and be able to let the user use the device without additional user transfer to the device. Video Demo addnewuser.mp4