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Version 2.9.3 (V2.9.3.26)
New Features and Improvements
1. Added REPORT feature.
2. Added CARD PRINTER feature.
- Supports card printing directly from BioStar 2 using the cardPresso.
3. Added SYSTEM BACKUP and RESTORE feature.
- Provides BioStar Restore program that can restore the system using backup files (included in BioStar 2 installer).
4. Supports QR code authentication in BioStation 3.
- Firmware v1.1.0 or higher.
5. Supports Xpass D2 Keypad Backlight.
- XPass D2 (XPD2-GKDB) hardware V02M, firmware v1.7.1 or higher.
6. Improved security vulnerabilities.
- Update Moment.js library version.
- Updated Lodash library version.
- Improved enckey file creation logic.
7. Improved update speed on CSV Import when using Encrypt Personal Data on Database.
8. Improved to properly recognize characters using UTF-16 in CSV files when CSV Import.
9. Improved Time & Attendance security vulnerabilities.
- Swagger UI Version upgrade.
- Added X-Frame-Options.
- Improvement of iframe vulnerability by providing Unified Gateway feature.
10. Improved pop-up messages that appear when adding users to the TIME ATTENDANCE menu when exceeding the maximum number of users set by license type.
11. Improved performance when Automatic User Synchronization is set to Specific Devices(Only devices belonging to the access group) option.
- Improved device setup performance.
- Improved processing performance on zone activation/inactivation.
- Improved synchronization performance when moving user groups.
12. Improved inefficient DB check logics when executing queries on the server.
13. Improved performance by adding missing indexes to temporary tables.
14. Optimized subquery when updating or deleting temporary tables using the User API.
15. Improved Door Status inquiry performance of MONITORING.
16. Improved to check whether unsupported characters are used in user names when enrolling mobile access card.
17. Supports entering symbols (+, -, @, .) in configuration of the Intercom menu.
- SIP Username, Authorization ID, Extension Number
18. Added event code related to QR code authentication.
19. Added a guide message to the existing license menu location (Settings > SERVER) to prevent location confusion due to the new LICENSE menu.
20. Improvement of error message that appears when enrolling mobile access card when an Email is not entered in the user information.
21. Improved visibility of icons for each device in the device list.
22. Updated login page.
Bug Fixes
1. The Enroll button is intermittently disabled on the Enroll Mobile Access Card screen. (Affects version: v2.8.9)
2. The server crashes when the server fails to retrieve tracking data using getTrackingInfo. (Affects version: v2.6.0)
3. When Select All and Delete From Device are performed on users searched with specific conditions, unselected users get deleted. (Affects version: v2.7.1)
4. Device added as Enrollment Device in the SERVER menu does not get deleted properly. (Affects version: v2.2.1)
5. When adding a device to Enrollment Device in the SERVER menu, the device is not searched. (Affects version: v2.2.1)
6. When the server is restarted while the Session Timeout in the SERVER menu is set, the Session Timeout operates as the default value (60 minutes). (Affects version: v2.8.14)
7. Incorrectly displaying the values of items that exceed the maximum in Usage on the Dashboard. (Affects version: v2.0.0)
8. Authentication succeeded with a blacklisted Access On Card containing a specific alphabet or symbol in the card ID. (Affects version: v2.7.14)
9. User data not syncing to the device after completing Data File Import in the USER menu. (Affects version: v2.1.0)
10. When Leave is set in Schedule in the TIME ATTENDANCE menu and the user who is the approver is deleted, the T&A reports are not searched. (Affects version: v2.7.0)
11. Some 1:N authentication succeeded events missing from Time & Attendance. (Affects version: v2.8.6)
12. An error occurs when adding a device in the TA setting after upgrading version from 2.8.8 or earlier to 2.8.9 or later. (Affects version: v2.8.9)