Allows Connecting X-Station 2 as a Slave Device of CoreStation

Affect Products & Versions
BioStar 2 BioStar v2.8.16 or above
Device & Firmware CoreStation v1.5.2 or above

From BioStar 2.8.16, you can use X-Station 2 as a slave device for CoreStation. Please notice that you need to match the BioStar 2 and CoreStation firmware versions to use this function.

All models; Card only, Card + QR, Card + Fingerprint (Check out X-Station 2 specifications)

1. You CANNOT upgrade X-Station 2 firmware during the device is in Slave mode.

  • To upgrade X-Station 2 Slave device's firmware, you need to connect the device to BioStar 2 directly via Ethernet.

2. You can use 'Secure Tamper' on X-Station 2 Slave device.

3. Image Log setting is not available during X-Station 2 is in Slave mode.

  • Suprema will improve this part in the further releases.