'First in & Last out' or 'All In/Out Punches' Options in the Individual Report

Before BioStar 2.7.10, you could see the first in and last out data only in the T&A report. If you wanted to check the user's all in data, then you had to click the 'In' part and see from the pop-up window. However, from BioStar 2.7.10, you can choose the individual report type between 'Check In/Out Only' and 'All In/Out Punches'.

This feature is supported only in the 'Individual' report.

Suprema upgraded this feature to be more user-friendly in the BioStar 2.8.1. Please check subject 3 if you are using BioStar 2.8.1 or later.

This is the default option as the former BioStar 2 server.
You can see the first in data and the last out data in the default report.
If you want to check the all in and out data, you need to click 'In' and 'Out' data from the table.

When you select this option, you can check all in and out data from the individual report.
You can see the all in and out data from the top of the report and the summarized data at the bottom.
When you click 'In' and 'Out' data from the table, you can see the pop-up and edit the punch logs as before.

From BioStar v2.8.1, the options are shown once you click the individual report type in Report Type.
[Table 1. How to check All In/Out Punch Data or Check In/Out only for each of the version of BioStar 2]

[Table 2. Big Image : How to check All Punches - BioStar v2.8.1 or higher version]