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SupremaはBioStar 2.8.8のいくつかのサーマル機能を改善して、ユーザーの利便性を向上させました。

1. 基準温度より高い温度が測定された場合、Trigger&Actionでメールが送信されます。メールでユーザーの温度が確認できます。

2. An item called 'Thermal Report' has been added to the BioStar 2 Monitoring menu, so it is possible to separately collect and view only logs that confirm temperature measurement values

This report supports Print and CSV export.

3. Removed the 'Temperature' item that was supported as a default column setting in the BioStar 2 Monitoring Event Log and Real-Time Log

Users who use Suprema's Thermal function can manually add by selecting the 'Temperature' item in 'Column Setting'.