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New Features

  • Supports screensaver activation (FaceStation 2, FaceStation F2)
  • FaceStation F2 server matching support (1:1 Matching when using card together)

1. You can turn the screensaver on and off. FaceStation 2, FaceStation F2 only.

2. FaceStation F2 server matching support. (Card only)

Modified Features

1. Fixed an issue where devices could not connect normally when in Device to Server connection mode.

2. In the process of unloading SDK through BS2_ReleaseContext, a problem that may not be normally unloaded due to a specific thread has been fixed.

3. Body temperature measurement range has been modified. (30º ~ 45º ⇒ 1º ~ 45º)

  • Refer to structure BS2FaceConfigExt (thermalThresholdLow, thermalThresholdHigh)

4. Fixed a problem where BS_SDK_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED or BS_SDK_ERROR_TIMEOUT error was returned when enrolling a user with multiple images to FaceStation F2.

5. Fixed a problem in which a specific function was called from some devices, but the BS_SDK_ERROR_TIMEOUT error was returned as a result value even if it succeeded.