DeviceListener is a callback listener that receives data from the device.
public class DeviceListener implements IDeviceListener { /** * Called when a {@link Punch} detected. * Punch data types are card, magnetic stripe, barcode and integrated circuit. * @param data {@link Punch} */ @Override public void onPunchDetected(Punch data) { } /** * Called when a {@link Input} detected. * @param data {@link Input} */ @Override public void onInputDetected(Input data) { } /** * Called when a {@link Event} detected. * @param data {@link Event} */ @Override public void onEventDetected(Event data) { } /** * Called when a {@link Fingerprint} detected. * @param data {@link Fingerprint} */ @Override public void onFingerprintDetected(Fingerprint data) { } /** * Called when a {@link Fingerprint} scan completed. * @param data {@link Fingerprint} */ @Override public void onFingerprintScanCompleted(Fingerprint data) { } /** * Called when a {@link Fingerprint} identified. * @param data {@link Fingerprint} */ @Override public void onFingerprintIdentified(Fingerprint data) { } /** * Called when a {@link Card} scan completed. * @param data {@link Card} */ @Override public void onCardScanCompleted(Punch data) { } /** * Called when a {@link Fingerprint} scan progressed. * @param scanTimeout finger scan timeout. */ @Override public void onFingerprintScanProgress(int scanTimeout) { } /** * Called when a {@link Card} scan progressed. * @param scanTimeout card scan timeout. */ @Override public void onCardScanProgress(int scanTimeout) { } }
public class Version { /** * SDK version. */ public String sdkVersion; /** * Firmware version. */ public String firmwareVersion; }
public class Device { /** * Device ID. */ public int deviceId; /** * Device model name. */ public String modelName; }
public class FirmwareOption extends SvpPayload { /** * Firmware file name. */ public String fileName; /** * FTP server host name(IP). */ public String host; /** * FTP user name. */ public String username; /** * FTP user password. */ public String password; /** * FTP server port */ public int port; }
public class ApplicationOption extends SvpPayload { /** * Application auto start option. */ public boolean useAutoStart; /** * Your application class name. */ public String packageName; /** * Your application activity name. */ public String className; }
public class CardOption extends SvpPayload { /** * Card scanning timeout in seconds. The default is 10 seconds. */ public int scanTimeout; /** * Order of how the byte of the card is stored. * When it is set as 0, will function as MSB. When it is set as 1, will function as LSB. */ public int byteOrder; }
public class FingerprintOption extends SvpPayload { /** * Fingerprint authentication security level. This is used across the system. */ public int securityLevel; /** * Fingerprint matching speed. */ public int fastMode; /** * Sensitivity of the fingerprint sensor. */ public int sensitivity; /** * Decides the sensor mode. 0 means the sensor is always on. * 1 means the sensor is activated when the finger is near the sensor. */ public int sensorMode; /** * Fingerprint template type. */ public int templateFormat; /** * Fingerprint scanning timeout in seconds. The default is 10 seconds. */ public int scanTimeout; /** * Configuration for the LFD sensitivity. */ public int lfdLevel; /** * Decides whether to utilize fingerprint quality information. If the option is disabled, */ public boolean useAdvancedEnrollment; /** * Decides whether to use bitmap image. */ public boolean useBitmapImage; }
public class WiegandOption extends SvpPayload { /** * Output pulse width having a range of 20 ~ 100 us. */ public int outPulseWidth; /** * Output pulse frequency having a range of 200 ~ 20000 us. */ public int outPulseInterval; }
public enum Channel { /** * Channel value of relay port 0 */ RELAY_PORT_0, /** * Channel value of relay port 1 */ RELAY_PORT_1 }
public enum Relay { /** * Off */ OFF, /** * On */ ON }
public enum LedColor { /** * LED Off */ LED_COLOR_OFF, /** * Red LED */ LED_COLOR_RED, /** * Yellow LED */ LED_COLOR_YELLOW, /** * Green LED */ LED_COLOR_GREEN, /** * Blue-Green LED */ LED_COLOR_CYAN, /** * Blue LED */ LED_COLOR_BLUE, /** * Magenta LED */ LED_COLOR_MAGENTA, /** * White LED */ LED_COLOR_WHITE }
public class Finger extends SvpPayload implements Cloneable { /** * Finger ID. */ public int id; /** * The index of finger. */ public int index; /** * Used only in {@link com.supremainc.sdk.SvpManager#verifyFingerprint}. * Flag for update decision. * false : don't need to update template in DB. * true : need to update even template of the user of matched template. */ public boolean isUpdated; /** * The data of fingerprint template. */ public FingerprintTemplate[] templates; }
public class FingerList extends SvpPayload implements Cloneable { /** * Finger array. */ public ArrayList<Finger> fingers; }
public class FingerprintTemplate extends SvpPayload implements Cloneable { /** * The data of fingerprint template. */ public byte[] template; }
public class RS232Data extends SvpPayload implements Cloneable { /** * The data of byte array. */ private byte[] rs232Data; }