Table of Contents

Multiple Wiegand format support

1. Why the multiple Wiegand format support is needed

With a single Wiegand format stored on the device, you need to change the Wiegand configuration of the device every time you want to read another Wiegand format card. With multiple Wiegand formats stored on the device, you don’t need to change the Wiegand configuration for the device to read cards that have different Wiegand formats. Multiple Wiegand format support is critical when the company decides to change the Wiegand format of its access cards to ensure higher security (e.g. from 26-bit Prox to 35-bit Corporate 1000). Since it’s practically impossible to replace the cards of all the employees at the same time, there is always a transition period. This requires the card reader to read cards with different Wiegand formats. The readers that do not support multiple Wiegand formats cannot accommodate this scenario.

2. How the multiple Wiegand format support works

If you use BioStar as an access control management system, the Wiegand format configurations on the BioStar server gets automatically transferred to the devices. Then, on the device detail page, you need to specify which Wiegand formats to use. If you develop your own application using BioStar Device SDK, you need to create and transfer the Wiegand format configurations. You also need to transfer a configuration that contains the indexes of the Wiegand formats to specify which Wiegand formats to use. In the BS2WiegandMultiConfig data structure, you can store up to 15 different Wiegand formats in the formats field.\

public struct BS2WiegandMultiConfig
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 15)]
    public BS2WiegandInConfig[] formats;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
    public byte[] reserved;

In the BS2WiegandConfig data structure, there are three mask fields where you can specify the indexes of the Wiegand formats to use:

public struct BS2WiegandConfig
	public byte mode;
	public byte useWiegandBypass;
	public byte useFailCode;
	public byte failCode;
	public UInt16 outPulseWidth; //(20 ~ 100 us)
	public UInt16 outPulseInterval; //(200 ~ 20000 us)
	public UInt32 formatID;
	public BS2WiegandFormat format;
	public UInt16 wiegandInputMask;
	public UInt16 wiegandCardMask;
	public byte wiegandCSNIndex;
	[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 27)]
	public byte[] reserved;

When the three mask fields above are all set to 0, the device will try to read the Wiegand cards that match the Wiegand format stored in the BS2WiegandFormat field of the BS2WiegnadConfig data structure:

public struct BS2WiegandConfig
	public byte mode;
	public byte useWiegandBypass;
	public byte useFailCode;
	public byte failCode;
	public UInt16 outPulseWidth; 	//(20 ~ 100 us)
	public UInt16 outPulseInterval;	//(200 ~ 20000 us)
	public UInt32 formatID;
	public BS2WiegandFormat format;
	public UInt16 wiegandInputMask;
	public UInt16 wiegandCardMask;
	public byte wiegandCSNIndex;
	[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 27)]
	public byte[] reserved;

3. Example (C#)

// 26 bit H10301
IntPtr the26bitformatPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BS2WiegandFormat)));
BS2WiegandFormat the26bitFormat = new BS2WiegandFormat();
the26bitFormat.idFields = new byte[128];
the26bitFormat.parityFields = new byte[128];
the26bitFormat.parityType = new byte[4];
the26bitFormat.parityPos = new byte[4];
the26bitFormat.length = 26;
the26bitFormat.parityPos[0] = 0;
the26bitFormat.parityPos[1] = 25;
the26bitFormat.parityType[0] = 2;
the26bitFormat.parityType[1] = 1;
the26bitFormat.parityType[2] = 0;
the26bitFormat.parityType[3] = 0;
the26bitFormat.parityFields[28] = 1;
the26bitFormat.parityFields[29] = 255;
the26bitFormat.parityFields[30] = 224;
the26bitFormat.parityFields[62] = 31;
the26bitFormat.parityFields[63] = 254;
the26bitFormat.idFields[28] = 1;
the26bitFormat.idFields[29] = 254;
the26bitFormat.idFields[61] = 1;
the26bitFormat.idFields[62] = 255;
the26bitFormat.idFields[63] = 254;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(the26bitFormat, the26bitformatPtr, false);
// Corporate 1000
IntPtr theCorp1000FormatPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BS2WiegandFormat)));
BS2WiegandFormat theCorp1000Format = new BS2WiegandFormat();
theCorp1000Format.idFields = new byte[128];
theCorp1000Format.parityFields = new byte[128];
theCorp1000Format.parityType = new byte[4];
theCorp1000Format.parityPos = new byte[4];
theCorp1000Format.length = 35;
theCorp1000Format.parityPos[0] = 1;
theCorp1000Format.parityPos[0] = 1;
theCorp1000Format.parityPos[1] = 34;
theCorp1000Format.parityType[0] = 2;
theCorp1000Format.parityType[1] = 1;
theCorp1000Format.parityType[2] = 1;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[27] = 1;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[28] = 182;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[29] = 219;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[30] = 109;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[31] = 182;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[59] = 3;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[60] = 109;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[61] = 182;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[62] = 219;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[63] = 108;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[91] = 3;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[92] = 255;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[93] = 255;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[94] = 255;
theCorp1000Format.parityFields[95] = 255;
theCorp1000Format.idFields[27] = 1;
theCorp1000Format.idFields[28] = 255;
theCorp1000Format.idFields[29] = 224;
theCorp1000Format.idFields[61] = 31;
theCorp1000Format.idFields[62] = 255;
theCorp1000Format.idFields[63] = 254;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(theCorp1000Format, theCorp1000FormatPtr, false);
Marshal.Copy(the26bitformatPtr, wiegandMultiConfig.formats[0].format, 0,
Marshal.Copy(theCorp1000FormatPtr, wiegandMultiConfig.formats[3].format, 0, 
result = API.BS2_SetWiegandMultiConfig(sdkContext, deviceId, ref wiegandMultiConfig);
if (result != (int)BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS)
	Console.WriteLine("BS2_SetWiegandMultiConfig failed: " + result);
	API.BS2_DisconnectDevice(sdkContext, deviceId);
BS2WiegandConfig wiegandConfig;
result = API.BS2_GetWiegandConfig(sdkContext, deviceId, out wiegandConfig);
if (result != (int)BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS)
	Console.WriteLine("BS2_GetWiegandConfig failed: " + result);
	API.BS2_DisconnectDevice(sdkContext, deviceId);
wiegandConfig.wiegandCardMask = 18; // Use the first and fourth Wiegand formats only 
                                    // (0x0000000000010010)
result = API.BS2_SetWiegandConfig(sdkContext, deviceId, ref wiegandConfig);
if (result != (int)BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS)
	Console.WriteLine("BS2_SetWiegandConfig failed: " + result);
	API.BS2_DisconnectDevice(sdkContext, deviceId);