Access Control API

API for access control, which can manage access authority by individual, group, time schedules.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t id;
    uint8_t numAccessLevels;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
    uint32_t accessLevels[BS2_MAX_ACCESS_LEVEL_PER_ACCESS_GROUP];
} BS2AccessGroup;

1. id
Access group ID.

2. name
Name of the access group that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. numAccessLevels
Number of access levels that belongs to an access group.

4. reserved
Reserved space.

5. accessLevels
List of access levels that belongs to an access group.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t doorID;
    uint32_t scheduleID;
} BS2DoorSchedule ;

1. doorID
Door ID.

2. scheduleID
Schedule ID.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t id;
    uint8_t numDoorSchedules;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
    BS2DoorSchedule doorSchedules[BS2_MAX_ACCESS_LEVEL_PER_ACCESS_GROUP];
} BS2AccessLevel;

1. id
Access level ID. The ID should be a number less than 32768(0x7FFF).
This is due to a limitation where this ID needs to be shared with floor levels for lift control.

2. name
Name of the access level that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. numDoorSchedules
Number of schedules allocated to a door that belongs to an access level.

4. reserved
Reserved space.

5. doorSchedules
List of schedules allocated to a door that belongs to an access level.


typedef struct {
    int16_t startTime;
    int16_t endTime;
} BS2TimePeriod;

1. startTime
Starting time of the time period. The unit of the value is minutes.

2. endTime
Ending time of the time period. The unit of the value is minutes.


typedef struct {
    uint8_t numPeriods;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
    BS2TimePeriod periods[BS2_MAX_TIME_PERIODS_PER_DAY];
} BS2DaySchedule;

1. numPeriods
Number of time periods.

2. reserved
Reserved space.

3. periods
List of time periods, which can be configured up to 5 time periods.


typedef struct {
    BS2DaySchedule schedule[BS2_NUM_WEEKDAYS];
} BS2WeeklySchedule;    

1. schedule
Weekly schedule that has total 7 daily schedules.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t startDate;
    uint8_t numDays;    
    uint8_t reserved[3];    
    BS2DaySchedule schedule[BS2_MAX_DAYS_PER_DAILY_SCHEDULE];    
} BS2DailySchedule;    

1. startDate
Starting date of the schedule.

2. numDays
Number of the daily schedule.

3. reserved
Reserved space.

4. schedule
List of daily schedules starting from the startDate.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t id;
    BS2DaySchedule schedule;
} BS2HolidaySchedule;    

1. startDate
Holiday schedule ID.

2. schedule
Holiday daily schedule.


typedef struct
    uint32_t id;
    char name[BS2_MAX_SCHEDULE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t isDaily;
    uint8_t numHolidaySchedules;
    uint8_t reserved[2];
        BS2WeeklySchedule weekly;
        BS2DailySchedule daily;
    BS2HolidaySchedule holidaySchedules[BS2_MAX_HOLIDAY_GROUPS_PER_SCHEDULE];

1. id
Schedule ID.

You should avoid using 0 and 1 as the schedule ID.
Schedule ID 0 is recognized as 'Not used' and Schedule ID 1 is recognized as 'Always' for every device.

2. name
Name of the schedule that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. isDaily
Decides whether it's a daily schedule or a weekly schedule.

4. numHolidaySchedules
Number of holiday schedules.

5. reserved
Reserved space.

6. weekly
Weekly schedule. This will be valid only when isDaily is set to 0.

7. daily
Daily schedule. This will be valid when isDaily has a value rather than 0.

8. holidaySchedules
List of holiday schedules.


typedef struct {
    uint32_t date;
    uint8_t recurrence;
} BS2Holiday;

1. date
Date of the holiday.

2. recurrence
The value of repetition.

Value Description
0 Does not repeat
1 Repeat yearly
2 Repeat monthly
3 Repeat weekly


typedef struct
    uint32_t id;
    char name[BS2_MAX_SCHEDULE_NAME_LEN];
    uint8_t numHolidays;
    uint8_t reserved[3];
    BS2Holiday holidays[BS2_MAX_HOLIDAYS_PER_GROUP];

1. id
Holiday group ID.

2. name
Name of the holiday group that will be displayed on the BioStar application.

3. numHolidays
Number of holidays.

4. reserved
Reserved space.

5. holidays
List of holidays.