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en:bs2_getcredentialkeyinfo [2018/04/16 17:01]
yjjung removed
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-[[sdk_api]] > [[BS2_GetCredentialKeyInfo]] 
-===== BS2_GetCredentialKeyInfo ===== 
-[+ V2.6.0] Gets the encryption key information for the device. 
-==== Declaration ==== 
-<code cpp> 
-#include "​BS_API.h"​ 
-int BS2_GetCredentialKeyInfo(void* context, uint32_t deviceId, BS2CredentialKeyInfo* keyInfo); 
-<callout type="​info">​ 
-[[sdk_api#​BS2CredentialKeyInfo|See BS2CredentialKeyInfo Structure]] 
-==== Parameter ==== 
-  * [In] ''//​context//''​ : Context 
-  * [In] ''//​deviceId//''​ : Device ID 
-  * [Out] ''//​keyInfo//''​ : The address of structure that the encryption key information to be returned. 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-If successfully done, ''​BS_SDK_SUCCESS''​ will be returned. \\ 
-If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned. 
-==== See Also ==== 
-[[BS2_SetCredentialKeyInfo]]\\ [[BS2_RemoveCredentialKeyInfo]]