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en:device_api [2020/08/28 12:35]
yjjung [BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx]
en:device_api [2024/10/24 14:56] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Device API ====== ====== Device API ======
-API that controls the device information or upgrade ​the firmware.\\+API that controls the device information or upgrades ​the firmware.\\
   * [[BS2_GetDeviceInfo]]:​ Gets the device information.   * [[BS2_GetDeviceInfo]]:​ Gets the device information.
Line 21: Line 21:
   * [[BS2_RemoveAuthOperatorLevelEx]]:​ [+ 2.6.3] Removes specified device operator. (Support operator up to 1000)   * [[BS2_RemoveAuthOperatorLevelEx]]:​ [+ 2.6.3] Removes specified device operator. (Support operator up to 1000)
   * [[BS2_RemoveAllAuthOperatorLevelEx]]:​ [+ 2.6.3] Removes all device operators. (Support operator up to 1000)   * [[BS2_RemoveAllAuthOperatorLevelEx]]:​ [+ 2.6.3] Removes all device operators. (Support operator up to 1000)
 +  * [[BS2_GetDeviceCapabilities]]:​ [+ 2.8] Gets available function information of the device.
 +  * [[BS2_RunAction]]:​ [+ 2.8.1] Commands the device to take certain actions.
 ===== Structure ===== ===== Structure =====
 ==== BS2SimpleDeviceInfo ==== ==== BS2SimpleDeviceInfo ====
Line 66: Line 68:
 <WRAP group 50%> <WRAP group 50%>
 ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^ ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|0x00  |Unknown Type  |
 |0x01  |BioEntry Plus  | |0x01  |BioEntry Plus  |
 |0x02  |BioEntry W  | |0x02  |BioEntry W  |
Line 79: Line 82:
 |0x0C  |BioStation L2  | |0x0C  |BioStation L2  |
 |0x0D  |BioEntry W2  | |0x0D  |BioEntry W2  |
-|0x0E  |CoreStation ​​ +|0x0E  |CoreStation ​40  ​
-|0x0F  |Output Module| +|0x0F  |Output Module ​ 
-|0x10  |Input Module| +|0x10  |Input Module ​ 
-|0x11  |BioEntry P2| +|0x11  |BioEntry P2  
-|0x0F  |OM-120  |+|0x12  |BioLite N2  | 
 +|0x13  |XPass2 ​ | 
 +|0x14  |XPass S3  | 
 +|0x15  |BioEntry R2  | 
 +|0x16  |XPass D2  | 
 +|0x17  |Door Module 21  | 
 +|0x18  |XPass D2 Keypad ​ | 
 +|0x19  |FACELITE ​ | 
 +|0x1A  |XPass2 Keypad ​ | 
 +|0x1B  |XPass D2 Revision ​ | 
 +|0x1C  |XPass D2 Keypad Revision ​ | 
 +|0x1D  |FaceStation F2 Finger ​ | 
 +|0x1E  |FaceStation F2  | 
 +|0x1F  |XStation 2 QR  | 
 +|0x20  |XStation 2  | 
 +|0x21  |Input Module ​120  | 
 +|0x22  |XStation 2 Finger ​ | 
 +|0x23  |BioStation 3  | 
 +|0x24  |3rd party OSDP device ​ | 
 +|0x25  |3rd party OSDP IO device ​ | 
 +|0x26  |BioStation 2a  |
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
Line 182: Line 205:
         BS2_SUPPORT_DESFIREEX = 0x00000008,         BS2_SUPPORT_DESFIREEX = 0x00000008,
         BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX = 0x00000010,         BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX = 0x00000010,
 +        BS2_SUPPORT_QR ​     = 0x00000020,
         BS2_SUPPORT_FINGER_SCAN = 0x00010000,         BS2_SUPPORT_FINGER_SCAN = 0x00010000,
         BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_SCAN = 0x00020000,         BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_SCAN = 0x00020000,
         BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX_SCAN = 0x00040000,         BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX_SCAN = 0x00040000,
 +        BS2_SUPPORT_QR_SCAN ​    = 0x00080000,
 +   ​BS2_SUPPORT_DST | 
 +   BS2_SUPPORT_QR | 
     };     };
     uint32_t supported;     uint32_t supported;
     uint8_t ​ reserved[4];​     uint8_t ​ reserved[4];​
Line 205: Line 238:
 |BS2_SUPPORT_DESFIREEX |0x00000008 |Whether DesFire advanced setting is supported [+2.6.4] | |BS2_SUPPORT_DESFIREEX |0x00000008 |Whether DesFire advanced setting is supported [+2.6.4] |
 |BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX |0x00000010 |Whether support face matching for FSF2 [+ V2.7.1] | |BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX |0x00000010 |Whether support face matching for FSF2 [+ V2.7.1] |
 +|BS2_SUPPORT_QR |0x00000020 |Whether support QR matching ''​XStation 2 QR''​ [+ V2.8.0] |
 |BS2_SUPPORT_FINGER_SCAN |0x00010000 |Whether support fingerprint scan [+ V2.7.1] | |BS2_SUPPORT_FINGER_SCAN |0x00010000 |Whether support fingerprint scan [+ V2.7.1] |
 |BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_SCAN |0x00020000 |Whether support face scan for FS2 and FL [+ V2.7.1] | |BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_SCAN |0x00020000 |Whether support face scan for FS2 and FL [+ V2.7.1] |
 |BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX_SCAN |0x00040000 |Whether support face scan for FSF2 [+ V2.7.1] | |BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX_SCAN |0x00040000 |Whether support face scan for FSF2 [+ V2.7.1] |
-|BS2_SUPPORT_ALL ​ |0x0000000F ​ ​|Whether to provide additional full information |+|BS2_SUPPORT_QR_SCAN |0x00080000 |Whether support QR scan ''​XStation 2''​ [+ V2.8.0] | 
 +|BS2_SUPPORT_ALL ​ |0x000FFFFF ​ ​|Whether to provide additional full information |
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
Line 231: Line 266:
 <WRAP group 100%> <WRAP group 100%>
 ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^Supported data format ​ ^ ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^Supported data format ​ ^
-|0  |UI(Langauge ​pack)  |Suprema language pack |+|0  |UI(Language ​pack)  |Suprema language pack |
 |1  |Notice message ​ | UTF-8 string | |1  |Notice message ​ | UTF-8 string |
 |2  |Image(Background) ​ | PNG | |2  |Image(Background) ​ | PNG |
Line 304: Line 339:
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 3. //​reserved//​ \\  3. //​reserved//​ \\ 
-Reserved space \\ +Reserved space \\ \\
 +==== BS2DeviceCapabilities ====
 +''​[+ 2.8]''​
 +<code cpp>
 +typedef struct {
 +    uint32_t maxUsers; ​               ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxEventLogs; ​           ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxImageLogs; ​           ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxBlacklists; ​          ///<​ 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxOperators; ​           ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxCards; ​               ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxFaces; ​               ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxFingerprints; ​        ///<​ 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxUserNames; ​           ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxUserImages; ​          ///<​ 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxUserJobs; ​            ///<​ 4 bytes
 +    uint32_t maxUserPhrases; ​         ///< 4 bytes
 +    uint8_t maxOutputPorts; ​          ///<​ 1 byte
 +    uint8_t maxRelays; ​               ///< 1 byte
 +    uint8_t maxRS485Channels; ​        ///<​ 1 byte
 +    uint8_t cameraSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t tamperSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t wlanSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t displaySupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t thermalSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t maskSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t faceExSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t unused: 1;
 +    union {
 +        uint32_t mask;                ///< 4 bytes
 +        struct {
 +            uint32_t EM: 1;
 +            uint32_t HIDProx: 1;
 +            uint32_t MifareFelica:​ 1;
 +            uint32_t iClass: 1;
 +            uint32_t ClassicPlus:​ 1;
 +            uint32_t DesFireEV1: 1;
 +            uint32_t SRSE: 1;
 +            uint32_t SEOS: 1;
 +            uint32_t NFC: 1;
 +            uint32_t BLE: 1;
 +            uint32_t CustomClassicPlus:​ 1;
 +            uint32_t CustomDesFireEV1:​ 1;
 +            uint32_t TOM_NFC: 1;
 +            uint32_t TOM_BLE: 1;
 +            uint32_t CustomFelica:​ 1;
 +            uint32_t reserved: 16;
 +            uint32_t useCardOperation:​ 1;
 +        };
 +    } cardSupported;​
 +    struct {
 +        BS2_BOOL extendedMode; ​       ///< 1 byte
 +        union {
 +            uint8_t mask;             ///<​ 1 byte
 +            struct {
 +                uint8_t card: 1;
 +                uint8_t fingerprint:​ 1;
 +                uint8_t face: 1;
 +                uint8_t id: 1;
 +                uint8_t pin: 1;
 +                uint8_t reserved: 3;
 +            };
 +        } credentials;​
 +        uint8_t reserved[2]; ​         ///< 2 bytes
 +        union {
 +            struct {
 +                union {
 +                    uint8_t mask;     ///<​ 1 byte
 +                    struct {
 +                        uint8_t biometricOnly:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t biometricPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t unused: 6;
 +                    };
 +                } biometricAuth;​
 +                union {
 +                    uint8_t mask;     ///<​ 1 byte
 +                    struct {
 +                        uint8_t cardOnly: 1;
 +                        uint8_t cardBiometric:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t cardPIN: 1;
 +                        uint8_t cardBiometricOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t cardBiometricPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t unused: 3;
 +                    };
 +                } cardAuth;
 +                union {
 +                    uint8_t mask;     ///<​ 1 byte
 +                    struct {
 +                        uint8_t idBiometric:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t idPIN: 1;
 +                        uint8_t idBiometricOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t idBiometricPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint8_t unused: 4;
 +                    };
 +                } idAuth;
 +            } legacy;
 +            struct {
 +                union {
 +                    uint32_t mask;    ///< 4 bytes
 +                    struct {
 +                        uint32_t faceOnly: 1;
 +                        uint32_t faceFingerprint:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t facePIN: 1;
 +                        uint32_t faceFingerprintOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t faceFingerprintPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t unused: 27;
 +                    };
 +                } faceAuth;
 +                union {
 +                    uint32_t mask;    ///< 4 bytes
 +                    struct {
 +                        uint32_t fingerprintOnly:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t fingerprintFace:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t fingerprintPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t fingerprintFaceOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t fingerprintFacePIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t unused: 27;
 +                    };
 +                } fingerprintAuth;​
 +                union {
 +                    uint32_t mask;    ///< 4 bytes
 +                    struct {
 +                        uint32_t cardOnly: 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFace: 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFingerprint:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardPIN: 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFaceOrFingerprint:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFaceOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFingerprintOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFaceFingerprint:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFacePIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFingerprintFace:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFingerprintPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFaceOrFingerprintPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFaceFingerprintOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t cardFingerprintFaceOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t unused: 17;
 +                    };
 +                } cardAuth;
 +                union {
 +                    uint32_t mask;    ///< 4 bytes
 +                    struct {
 +                        uint32_t idFace: 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFingerprint:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idPIN: 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFaceOrFingerprint:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFaceOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFingerprintOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFaceFingerprint:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFacePIN: 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFingerprintFace:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFingerprintPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFaceOrFingerprintPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFaceFingerprintOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t idFingerprintFaceOrPIN:​ 1;
 +                        uint32_t unused: 18;
 +                    };
 +                } idAuth;
 +            } extended;
 +        };
 +    } authSupported;​
 +    uint8_t intelligentPDSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t updateUserSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t simulatedUnlockSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t smartCardByteOrderSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t treatAsCSNSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t rtspSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t lfdSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t visualQRSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t maxVoipExtensionNumbers;​ ///<​ 1 byte
 +    uint8_t osdpStandardCentralSupported : 1; ///< 1 byte
 +    uint8_t enableLicenseFuncSupported : 1;   ///<​ 1 byte
 +    uint8_t keypadBacklightSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t uzWirelessLockDoorSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t customSmartCardSupported:​ 1; 
 +    uint8_t tomSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t tomEnrollSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t showOsdpResultbyLED:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t customSmartCardFelicaSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t ignoreInputAfterWiegandOut:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t setSlaveBaudrateSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t rtspResolutionChangeSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t voipResolutionChangeSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t voipTransportChangeSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t authMsgUserInfoSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t scrambleKeyboardModeSupported:​ 1;
 +    ​
 +    ​
 +    uint16_t visualFaceTemplateVersion;​
 +    ​
 +    uint8_t authDenyMaskSupported:​ 1;
 +    uint8_t unused: 7;
 +    ​
 +    uint8_t unused2;
 +    ​
 +    uint8_t reserved[424];​
 +    ​
 +} BS2DeviceCapabilities;​
 +1. //​maxUsers//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (User) \\ \\
 +2. //​maxEventLogs//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Event log) \\ \\
 +3. //​maxImageLogs//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Image log) \\ \\
 +4. //​maxBlacklists//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Blacklist) \\ \\
 +5. //​maxOperators//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Operator) \\ \\
 +6. //​maxCards//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Card) ​ \\ \\
 +7. //​maxFaces//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Face) \\ \\
 +8. //​maxFingerprints//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Fingerprint) \\ \\
 +9. //​maxUserNames//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Username) \\ \\
 +10. //​maxUserImages//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (user image) \\ \\
 +11. //​maxUserJobs//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Job code) \\ \\
 +12. //​maxUserPhrases//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (User phrase) \\ \\
 +13. //​maxCardsPerUser//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Card per user) \\ \\
 +14. //​maxFacesPerUser//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Face per user) \\ \\
 +15. //​maxFingerprintsPerUser//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Fingerprint per user) \\ \\
 +16. //​maxInputPorts//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (input port of device) \\ \\
 +17. //​maxOutputPorts//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (output port of device) \\ \\
 +18. //​maxRelays//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (relay on device) \\ \\
 +19. //​maxRS485Channels//​ \\
 +Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (RS485 channel) \\ \\
 +20. //System support information//​ \\
 +It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|0  |1  |cameraSupported ​ |Camera Support or not  |
 +|1  |1  |tamperSupported ​ |Tamper Support or not  |
 +|2  |1  |wlanSupported ​ |WLAN Support or not  |
 +|3  |1  |displaySupported ​ |Available LCD or not  |
 +|4  |1  |thermalSupported ​ |TCM 10 (Thermal Detection) Support or not  |
 +|5  |1  |maskSupported ​ |Mask Detection Support or not  |
 +|6  |1  |faceExSupported ​ |Visual Face device such as FaceStation F2 or not  |
 +|7  |1  |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +21. //​cardSupported//​ \\
 +This indicates the card support relevant. Referring to mask value, you can access each item in its entirety or in bit units. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  | total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |EM  |EM Card  |
 +|1  |1  |HIDProx ​ |HID Proximity Card  |
 +|2  |1  |MifareFelica ​ |MIFARE / FeliCa ​ |
 +|3  |1  |iClass ​ |iClass Card  |
 +|4  |1  |ClassicPlus ​ |Classic plus Card  |
 +|5  |1  |DesFireEV1 ​ |DESFire EV1  |
 +|6  |1  |SRSE  |iClass SR, iClass SE  |
 +|7  |1  |SEOS  |iClass SEOS  |
 +|8  |1  |NFC  |NFC Card  |
 +|9  |1  |BLE  |BLE  |
 +|10 |1  |ClassicPlus(Custom card)  |ClassicPlus(Custom Card)  |
 +|11 |1  |DesFireEV1(Custom card)  |DesFireEV1(Custom Card)  |
 +|12 |1  |TOM NFC  |TOM NFC  |
 +|13 |1  |TOM BLE  |TOM BLE  |
 +|14 |1  |FeliCa(Custom card)  | FeliCa (Custom Card)  |
 +|15 |16 |reserved ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +|31 |1  |useCardOperation ​ |Card operation enabled or not  |
 +22. //​authSupported//​ \\
 +This indicates support information related to authentication. \\ \\
 +23. //​extendedMode//​ \\
 +If true, extended authentication mode is supported, refer to authSupported.extended. \\
 +If false, non-extended authentication mode is supported, refer to authSupported.lagacy. \\ \\
 +24. //​credentials//​ \\
 +This indicates supported authentication methods. You can access each item in its entirety or in bit units as a mask value. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |card  |Card  |
 +|1  |1  |fingerprint ​ |Fingerprint ​ |
 +|2  |1  |face  |Face  |
 +|3  |1  |id  |ID  |
 +|4  |1  |pin  |PIN  |
 +|5  |3  |reserved ​ |Unassgined ​ |
 +25. //​reserved//​ \\ 
 +Reserved space.\\ \\ 
 +26. //legacy// \\
 +Information referenced when non-extended authentication mode is supported. \\ \\
 +27. //​biometricAuth//​ \\
 +(Non-extended authentication mode) Indicates the biometric authentication combination. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |biometricOnly ​ |Biometric only  |
 +|1  |1  |biometricPIN ​ |Biometric + PIN  |
 +|2  |6  |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +28. //​cardAuth//​ \\
 +(Non-extended authentication mode) Indicates the card authentication combination. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |cardOnly ​ |Card only  |
 +|1  |1  |cardBiometric ​ |Card + Biometric ​ |
 +|2  |1  |cardPIN ​ |Card + PIN  |
 +|3  |1  |cardBiometricOrPIN ​ |Card + Biometric/​PIN ​ |
 +|4  |1  |cardBiometricPIN ​ |Card + Biometric + PIN  |
 +|5  |3  |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +29. //idAuth// \\
 +(Non-extended authentication mode) Indicates the ID authentication combination. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |idBiometric ​ |ID + Biometric ​ |
 +|1  |1  |idPIN ​ |ID + PIN  |
 +|2  |1  |idBiometricOrPIN ​ |ID + Biometric/​PIN ​ |
 +|3  |1  |idBiometricPIN ​ |ID + Biometric + PIN  |
 +|4  |4  |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +30. //​extended//​ \\
 +This information is referenced when supporting extended authentication mode. \\ \\
 +31. //​faceAuth//​ \\
 +(Extended authentication mode) Indicates the face authentication combination. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |faceOnly ​ |Face only  |
 +|1  |1  |faceFingerprint ​ |Face + Fingerprint ​ |
 +|2  |1  |facePIN ​ |Face + PIN  |
 +|3  |1  |faceFingerprintOrPIN ​ |Face + Fingerprint/​PIN ​ |
 +|4  |1  |faceFingerprintPIN ​ |Face + Fingerprint + PIN  |
 +|5  |27 |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +32. //​fingerprintAuth//​ \\
 +(Extended authentication mode) Indicates a combination of fingerprint authentication. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |fingerprintOnly ​ |Fingerprint only  |
 +|1  |1  |fingerprintFace ​ |Fingerprint + Face  |
 +|2  |1  |fingerprintPIN ​ |Fingerprint + PIN  |
 +|3  |1  |fingerprintFaceOrPIN ​ |Fingerprint + Face/​PIN ​ |
 +|4  |1  |fingerprintFacePIN ​ |Fingerprint + Face + PIN  |
 +|5  |27 |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +33. //​cardAuth//​ \\
 +(Extended authentication mode) Indicates the card authentication combination. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|0  |1  |cardOnly ​ |Card only  |
 +|1  |1  |cardFace ​ |Card + Face  |
 +|2  |1  |cardFingerprint ​ |Card + Fingerprint ​ |
 +|3  |1  |cardPIN ​ |Card + PIN  |
 +|4  |1  |cardFaceOrFingerprint ​ |Card + Face/​Fingerprint ​ |
 +|5  |1  |cardFaceOrPIN ​ |Card + Face/​PIN ​ |
 +|6  |1  |cardFingerprintOrPIN ​ |Card + Fingerprint/​PIN ​ |
 +|7  |1  |cardFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN ​ |Card + Face/​Fingerprint/​PIN ​ |
 +|8  |1  |cardFaceFingerprint ​ |Card + Face + Fingerprint ​ |
 +|9  |1  |cardFacePIN ​ |Card + Face + PIN  |
 +|10 |1  |cardFingerprintFace ​ |Card + Fingerprint + Face  |
 +|11 |1  |cardFingerprintPIN ​ |Card + Fingerprint + PIN  |
 +|12 |1  |cardFaceOrFingerprintPIN ​ |Card + Face/​Fingerprint + PIN  |
 +|13 |1  |cardFaceFingerprintOrPIN ​ |Card + Face + Fingerprint/​PIN ​ |
 +|14 |1  |cardFingerprintFaceOrPIN ​ |Card + Fingerprint + Face/​PIN ​ |
 +|15 |17 |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +34. //idAuth// \\
 +(Extended authentication mode) Indicates the ID authentication combination. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|-  |Total ​ |mask  |Total Information ​ |
 +|1  |1  |idFace ​ |ID + Face  |
 +|2  |1  |idFingerprint ​ |ID + Fingerprint ​ |
 +|3  |1  |idPIN ​ |ID + PIN  |
 +|4  |1  |idFaceOrFingerprint ​ |ID + Face/​Fingerprint ​ |
 +|5  |1  |idFaceOrPIN ​ |ID + Face/​PIN ​ |
 +|6  |1  |idFingerprintOrPIN ​ |ID + Fingerprint/​PIN ​ |
 +|7  |1  |idFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN ​ |ID + Face/​Fingerprint/​PIN ​ |
 +|8  |1  |idFaceFingerprint ​ |ID + Face + Fingerprint ​ |
 +|9  |1  |idFacePIN ​ |ID + Face + PIN  |
 +|10 |1  |idFingerprintFace ​ |ID + Fingerprint + Face  |
 +|11 |1  |idFingerprintPIN ​ |ID + Fingerprint + PIN  |
 +|12 |1  |idFaceOrFingerprintPIN ​ |ID + Face/​Fingerprint + PIN  |
 +|13 |1  |idFaceFingerprintOrPIN ​ |ID + Face + Fingerprint/​PIN ​ |
 +|14 |1  |idFingerprintFaceOrPIN ​ |ID + Fingerprint + Face/​PIN ​ |
 +|15 |18 |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +35. //System support information//​ \\
 +It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|0  |1  |intelligentPDSupported ​ |Whether Intelligent PD is supported. ([[configuration api#​BS2Rs485Config|BS2Rs485Config]]) ​ |
 +|1  |1  |updateUserSupported ​ |Whether User information update is supported. ​ |
 +|2  |1  |simulatedUnlockSupported ​ |Whether simulated button unlock is supported. ​ |
 +|3  |1  |smartCardByteOrderSupported ​ |Whether smartCardByteOrder is supported. ([[configuration api#​BS2CardConfig|BS2CardConfig]]) ​ |
 +|4  |1  |treatAsCSNSupported ​ |Whether treatAsCSN is supported. ([[configuration api#​BS2BarcodeConfig|BS2BarcodeConfig]]) ​ |
 +|5  |1  |rtspSupported ​ |Whether RTSP is supported. ([[configuration api#​BS2RtspConfig|BS2RtspConfig]]) ​ |
 +|6  |1  |lfdSupported ​ |Whether LFD is supported. ​ |
 +|7  |1  |visualQRSupported ​ |Whether Visual QR is supported. ​ |
 +36. //​maxVoipExtensionNumbers//​ \\ 
 +It is the number of registered internal numbers in the extension phone book at the extended VoIP setting information.\\ \\ 
 +37. //System support information 2// \\
 +It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|0  |1  |osdpStandardCentralSupported ​ |Whether OSDP Standard is supported. ([[configuration_api#​BS2OsdpStandardConfig|BS2OsdpStandardConfig]]) ​ |
 +|1  |1  |enableLicenseFuncSupported ​ |Whether Device license is supported.([[configuration_api#​BS2LicenseConfig|BS2LicenseConfig]]) ​ |
 +|2  |1  |keypadBacklightSupported ​ |Whether Keypad backlight is supported. ​ |
 +|3  |1  |uzWirelessLockDoorSupported ​ |Whether U&Z wireless lock is supported. ​ |
 +|4  |1  |customSmartCardSupported ​ |Whether Custom card is supported. ([[configuration_api#​BS2CustomCardConfig|BS2CustomCardConfig]]) ​ |
 +|5  |1  |tomSupported ​ |Whether ToM is supported. ​ |
 +|6  |1  |tomEnrollSupported ​ |Whether ToM enrollment is supported. ​ |
 +|7  |1  |showOsdpResultbyLED ​ |Whether OSDP standard device supports the ability to display authentication results. ([[configuration_api#​BS2DisplayConfig|BS2DisplayConfig]]) ​ |
 +38. //System support information 3// \\
 +It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. \\
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|0  |1  |customSmartCardFelicaSupported ​ |Whether FeliCa custom smart card is supported. ​ |
 +|1  |1  |ignoreInputAfterWiegandOut ​ |Whether a feature to filter out repetitive re-entry of Wiegand output results is included. ​ |
 +|2  |1  |setSlaveBaudrateSupported ​ |Whether to support baudrate setting of RS485 slave device. ​ |
 +|3  |1  |rtspResolutionChangeSupported ​ |[+2.9.8] Whether to support changing RTSP video resolution. ​ |
 +|4  |1  |voipResolutionChangeSupported ​ |[+2.9.8] Whether to support changing intercom video resolution. ​ |
 +|5  |1  |voipTransportChangeSupported ​ |[+2.9.8] Whether to support changing intercom data transmission method. ​ |
 +|6  |1  |authMsgUserInfoSupported ​ |[+2.9.8] Whether to support changing the method of displaying user information on the authentication screen. ​ |
 +|7  |1  |scrambleKeyboardModeSupported ​ |[+2.9.8] Whether to support changing the use of scramble keypad. ​ |
 +39. //​visualFaceTemplateVersion//​ \\
 +[+2.9.8] For visual face devices, indicates template version information supported by the device. \\ \\
 +40. //System support information 4// \\
 +[+2.9.8] It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows.
 +^Bit position ​ ^Number of bit  ^Member ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|0  |1  |authDenyMaskSupported ​ |Whether to support for the require no mask setting in facial authentication. ​ |
 +|1  |7  |unused ​ |Unassigned ​ |
 +41. //unused2// \\
 +Reserved space.\\ \\
 +42. //​reserved//​ \\ 
 +Reserved space.\\ \\