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en:smartcard_api [2018/08/07 16:46]
yjjung [BS2SmartCardHeader]
en:smartcard_api [2024/05/28 19:42] (current)
kkshin [BS2SmartCardHeader]
Line 21: Line 21:
 <WRAP group 100%> <WRAP group 100%>
 ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^Used Format ^ ^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^Used Format ^
-|0x00 |Unknown card  | +|0x00 |Unknown card  ​| ​ | 
-|0x01 |CSN card  | +|0x01 |CSN card  ​| ​ | 
-|0x02 |Secure card  | +|0x02 |Secure card  ​| ​ | 
-|0x03 |Access card  |+|0x03 |Access card  ​| ​ | 
 +|0x06 |QR Code  |  |
 |0x0A |Wiegand card  | BS2WiegandConfig.format (This format is used when BS2WiegandConfig.CSNIndex and BS2WiegandConfig.CardMask is set as 0 | |0x0A |Wiegand card  | BS2WiegandConfig.format (This format is used when BS2WiegandConfig.CSNIndex and BS2WiegandConfig.CardMask is set as 0 |
 |0x1A |Wiegand card  | BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[0] | |0x1A |Wiegand card  | BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[0] |
Line 44: Line 45:
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 **2. //size//** \\  **2. //size//** \\ 
-The size of card template. \\ \\ +This is the size of the data buffer. This field needs to be filled with a fixed value as '​32'​.\\ \\ 
 **3. //data//** \\  **3. //data//** \\ 
 The data of card template. \\  The data of card template. \\ 
-In case of Secure Credential Card(SCC), users need to have card information which includes Card ID(24byte), issueCount(4byte) and TimeStamp(4byte). \\+In case of Secure Credential Card(SCC), users need to have card information which includes Card ID(24byte), issueCount(4byte) and TimeStamp(4byte). ​Also, cardObjs array of BS2UserBlob structure should be filled for SCC cards and the user should be updated after SCC issuing.  ​\\ 
 +<WRAP tip 70%> 
 +<wrap em> You can use any value as long as the data and the cardObj in [[user management api#​BS2UserBlob|BS2UserBlob]] match. </​wrap>​ \\ 
 +TimeStamp or issueCount is an operational flag for better management but there'​s no validation check for TimeStamp or issueCount on the device.\\ 
 ==== BS2SmartCardHeader ==== ==== BS2SmartCardHeader ====
 <code cpp> <code cpp>
Line 58: Line 68:
     uint16_t issueCount;     uint16_t issueCount;
     uint8_t duressMask;     uint8_t duressMask;
-    uint8_t reserved[5]; +    ​uint8_t cardAuthMode;​ 
-} BS2SmartCardHeader; ​ +    uint8_t useAlphanumericID;​ 
 +    uint8_t cardAuthModeEx;​ 
 +    uint8_t numOfFaceTemplate;​ 
 +    ​uint8_t reserved[1]; 
 +} BS2SmartCardHeader;​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 **1. //​hdrCRC//​** \\  **1. //​hdrCRC//​** \\ 
 Value of card header checksum. (cardCRC - reserved) \\ \\  Value of card header checksum. (cardCRC - reserved) \\ \\ 
 **2. //​cardCRC//​** \\  **2. //​cardCRC//​** \\ 
-Value of card data checksum. (BS2SmartCardHeader.cardType - \\ \\ +Value of card data checksum. (BS2SmartCardHeader.cardType - BS2SmartCardData.accessOnData) ​\\ \\ 
 **3. //​cardType//​** \\  **3. //​cardType//​** \\ 
 Code of card types. \\  Code of card types. \\ 
Line 78: Line 92:
 **4. //​numOfTemplate//​** \\  **4. //​numOfTemplate//​** \\ 
 Number of templates. \\ \\  Number of templates. \\ \\ 
 +<WRAP important>​
 +Based on AoC structure, template data is stored in [[smartcard_api#​BS2SmartCardCredentials]]. \\
 +Here you can store either fingerprint or face template. Both fingerprint and face templates can not be stored together. \\
 +Thus, you have to set numOfFacetemplate = 0 if you want to store fingerprint template data.
 **5. //​templateSize//​** \\  **5. //​templateSize//​** \\ 
 Size of the template. A normal fingerprint template is a fixed 384 byte. \\ Size of the template. A normal fingerprint template is a fixed 384 byte. \\
Line 86: Line 107:
 **7. //​duressMask//​** \\  **7. //​duressMask//​** \\ 
 Mask for whether there is a duress finger. \\  Mask for whether there is a duress finger. \\ 
 +**8. //​cardAuthMode//​** \\ 
 +''​IR Face based''​ Card authentication mode. \\ 
 +''​Visual Face based''​ Please use **cardAuthModeEx** instead \\ 
 +<WRAP group 50%>
 +^Value ​ ^Description ​ ^
 +|2 |Card only   |
 +|3 |Card + Fingerprint ​  |
 +|4 |Card + PIN  |
 +|5 |Card + Fingerprint or PIN   |
 +|6 |Card + Fingerprint + PIN    |
 +|254 |Cannot use  |
 +|255 |Not defined(System defined mode)  |
 +**9. //​useAlphanumericID//​** \\ 
 +Flag of usage of Alphanumeric ID \\ 
 +**10. //​cardAuthModeEx//​** \\ 
 +''​IR Face based''​ Please use **cardAuthMode** instead \\ 
 +[+ V2.7.1] ''​Visual Face based''​ Card authentication mode \\ 
 +<WRAP group 60%>
 +^Value ​ ^Level 1  ^Level 2  ^Level 3  ^
 +|21  |Card  |      |   |
 +|22  |Card  |Face  |   |
 +|23  |Card  |Fingerprint ​ |   |
 +|24  |Card  |PIN  |   |
 +|25  |Card  |Face or Fingerprint ​ |   |
 +|26  |Card  |Face or PIN  |   |
 +|27  |Card  |Fingerprint or PIN  |   |
 +|28  |Card  |Face or Fingerprint or PIN  |   |
 +|29  |Card  |Face  |Fingerprint ​ |
 +|30  |Card  |Face  |PIN  |
 +|31  |Card  |Fingerprint ​ |Face  |
 +|32  |Card  |Fingerprint ​ |PIN  |
 +|33  |Card  |Face or Fingerprint ​ |PIN  |
 +|34  |Card  |Face  |Fingerprint or PIN  |
 +|35  |Card  |Fingerprint ​ |Face or PIN  |
 +|254 |Cannot use  |  |  |
 +|255 |Not defined(System defined mode)  |  |  |
 +**11. //​numOfFaceTemplate//​** \\ 
 +Number of face templates. \\
 +Basic size of template is different between fingerprint and face(Fingerprint:​384,​ Face:552). \\
 +You can consider the total size of templateData in [[smartcard_api#​BS2SmartCardCredentials]]. ​
 +<WRAP important>​
 +Based on AoC structure, template data is stored in [[smartcard_api#​BS2SmartCardCredentials]]. \\
 +Here you can store either fingerprint or face template. Both fingerprint and face templates can not be stored together. \\
 +Thus, you have to set numOftemplate = 0 if you want to store face template data.
 +**12. //​reserved//​** \\ 
 +Reserved \\ 
 ==== BS2SmartCardCredentials ==== ==== BS2SmartCardCredentials ====
Line 126: Line 197:
 Smart card header. \\ \\  Smart card header. \\ \\ 
 **2. //​cardID//​** \\  **2. //​cardID//​** \\ 
-Card ID that will be used on the card. Access on Cards will need to use the 32 byte array for the card ID. Secure Credential Cards will need to use a 24 byte array for the card ID. \\ \\ +Card ID that will be used on the card. \\ 
 +Access on Cards will need to use the 32 byte array for the card ID. \\ 
 +Secure Credential Cards will need to use a 24 byte array for the card ID. \\ 
 +In case of Secure Credential Card(SCC), users need to have card information which includes Card ID(24byte), issueCount(4byte) and TimeStamp(4byte). \\ 
 +Also, cardObjs array of BS2UserBlob structure should be filled for SCC cards and the user should be updated after SCC issuing. \\ \\
 **3. //​credentials//​** \\  **3. //​credentials//​** \\ 
 Authentication data area where the PIN or fingerprint template is stored. \\ \\  Authentication data area where the PIN or fingerprint template is stored. \\ \\