SDK API > BS2_DisableDeviceLicense
[+ 2.9.1] Disable device licenses by collectively selecting the device connected as master-slave.
Deactivation results for each device are returned through outResultObj and outNumOfResult.
This feature is available only on devices that support the device license activation feature, and the devices that support the feature are listed below.
Supported devices | Firmware |
XS2-Finger | V1.2.0 |
XS2-Card | V1.2.0 |
BS3 | V1.1.0 |
#include "BS_API.h" int BS2_DisableDeviceLicense(void* context, uint32_t deviceId, const BS2LicenseBlob* licenseBlob, BS2LicenseResult** outResultObj, uint32_t* outNumOfResult);
: ContextdeviceId
: Device IdentifierlicenseBlob
: Device license information structure pointeroutResultObj
: Pointer to structure to receive device license deactivation resultoutNumOfResult
: Number of device license deactivation result structures
The outResultObj parameter must be used and then returned memory to the system via the BS2_ReleaseObject function.
If successfully done, BS_SDK_SUCCESS
will be returned. If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned.
int deleteDeviceLicense(void* context, BS2_DEVICE_ID id) { DeviceControl dc(context); BS2LicenseBlob licenseBlob = { 0, }; vector<BS2_DEVICE_ID> deviceIDs; vector<BS2LicenseResult> licenseResult; int sdkResult = BS_SDK_SUCCESS; licenseBlob.licenseType = (BS2_LICENSE_TYPE)Utility::getInput<uint32_t>("Enter the license type. (0: None, 1: Visual QR)"); licenseBlob.numOfDevices = (uint16_t)Utility::getInput<uint32_t>("How many devices do you want to register?"); if (0 < licenseBlob.numOfDevices) { // Device ID for (uint16_t idx = 0; idx < licenseBlob.numOfDevices; idx++) { BS2_DEVICE_ID deviceID = (BS2_DEVICE_ID)Utility::getInput<uint32_t>("Enter a device ID:"); deviceIDs.push_back(deviceID); } licenseBlob.deviceIDObjs =; sdkResult = dc.disableDeviceLicense(id, &licenseBlob, licenseResult); if (BS_SDK_SUCCESS == sdkResult) DeviceControl::print(licenseResult); } return sdkResult; } int DeviceControl::disableDeviceLicense(BS2_DEVICE_ID id, const BS2LicenseBlob* licenseBlob, vector<BS2LicenseResult>& licenseResult) { BS2LicenseResult* result = NULL; uint32_t numOfResult = 0; int sdkResult = BS2_DisableDeviceLicense(context_, id, licenseBlob, &result, &numOfResult); if (BS_SDK_SUCCESS != sdkResult) { TRACE("BS2_DisableDeviceLicense call failed: %d", sdkResult); return sdkResult; } licenseResult.clear(); for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < numOfResult; idx++) { licenseResult.push_back(result[idx]); } return sdkResult; }
BS2LicenseBlob licenseBlob = Util.AllocateStructure<BS2LicenseBlob>(); Console.WriteLine("Try removing the license"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the license type. (0: None, 1: Visual QR)"); Console.Write(">>>> "); licenseBlob.licenseType = Util.GetInput((UInt16)BS2LicenseType.VISUAL_QR_MASK); Console.WriteLine("How many devices do you want to remove?"); Console.Write(">>>> "); licenseBlob.numOfDevices = Util.GetInput((UInt16)1); if (0 < licenseBlob.numOfDevices) { // Device ID List<UInt32> listID = new List<UInt32>(); UInt32 tempID = 0; for (UInt16 idx = 0; idx < licenseBlob.numOfDevices; idx++) { Console.WriteLine(" Slave device ID #{0}", idx); Console.Write(" >> "); tempID = (UInt32)Util.GetInput(); listID.Add(tempID); } byte[] byteListID = listID.SelectMany(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray(); int byteCount = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UInt32)) * licenseBlob.numOfDevices; licenseBlob.deviceIDObjs = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteCount); Marshal.Copy(byteListID, 0, licenseBlob.deviceIDObjs, byteCount); // License data licenseBlob.licenseLen = 0; licenseBlob.licenseObj = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr resultObj = IntPtr.Zero; UInt32 numOfResult = 0; BS2ErrorCode result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_DisableDeviceLicense(sdkContext, deviceID, ref licenseBlob, out resultObj, out numOfResult); if (BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS != result) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); } else { IntPtr curResult = resultObj; int resultSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BS2LicenseResult)); for (UInt32 idx = 0; idx < numOfResult; idx++) { BS2LicenseResult item = (BS2LicenseResult)Marshal.PtrToStructure(curResult, typeof(BS2LicenseResult)); print(item, idx); curResult += resultSize; } API.BS2_ReleaseObject(resultObj); } } // if (0 < licenseBlob.numOfDevices) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(licenseBlob.deviceIDObjs);