IR Face 기반
장치에서 얼굴을 스캔하고 템플릿 데이터와 이미지 데이터를 추출합니다.
#include "BS_API.h" int BS2_ScanFace(void* context, uint32_t deviceId, BS2Face* face, uint8_t erollmentThreshold, OnReadyToScan ptrReadyToScan);
: ContextdeviceId
: 장치 식별자face
: 얼굴 데이터를 저장할 포인터 erollmentThreshold
: 요구되는 얼굴 erollmentThreshold - 상세한 것은 BS2FaceConfig.enrollThreshold 참조ptrReadyToScan
: 얼굴 스캔 준비가 완료되었을 때 호출되는 콜백 함수
성공적으로 수행될 경우 BS_SDK_SUCCESS
를 반환하고, 에러가 발생할 경우 상응하는 에러 코드를 반환합니다.
if (faceScanSupported) { if (Utility::isYes("Do you want to scan face?")) { uint32_t numFace = Utility::getInput<uint32_t>("How many face would you like to register?"); BS2Face* ptrFace = new BS2Face[numFace]; if (ptrFace) { userBlob.faceObjs = ptrFace; for (uint32_t index = 0; index < numFace;) { sdkResult = BS2_ScanFace(context_, id, &ptrFace[index], BS2_FACE_ENROLL_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT, onReadyToScanFace); if (BS_SDK_SUCCESS != sdkResult) TRACE("BS2_ScanFace call failed: %d", sdkResult); else { user.numFaces++; index++; } } } } } BS2_ReleaseObject(uidObj);
if (faceScanSupported) { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to scan face? [y/n]"); Console.Write(">> "); if (Util.IsYes()) { Console.WriteLine("How many face would you like to register?"); Console.Write(">> "); int numOfFace = Util.GetInput(1); if (0 < numOfFace) { int structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BS2Face)); BS2Face[] face = Util.AllocateStructureArray<BS2Face>(1); userBlob[0].faceObjs = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(structSize * numOfFace); IntPtr curFaceObjs = userBlob[0].faceObjs; cbFaceOnReadyToScan = new API.OnReadyToScan(ReadyToScanForFace); for (int index = 0; index < numOfFace;) { sdkResult = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_ScanFace(sdkContext, deviceID, face, (byte)BS2FaceEnrollThreshold.THRESHOLD_DEFAULT, cbFaceOnReadyToScan); if (BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS != sdkResult) Console.WriteLine("BS2_ScanFace call failed: %d", sdkResult); else { userBlob[0].user.numFaces++; index++; face[0].faceIndex = (byte)index; Marshal.StructureToPtr(face[0], curFaceObjs, false); curFaceObjs += structSize; Thread.Sleep(100); } } cbFaceOnReadyToScan = null; } } }