Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Table of Contents Device API Structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfo BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx BS2ResourceElement BS2IPv6DeviceInfo BS2AuthOperatorLevel BS2DeviceCapabilities Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! Device API API that controls the device information or upgrades the firmware. BS2_GetDeviceInfo: Gets the device information. BS2_GetDeviceInfoEx: [+ 2.6.0] Gets additional device information. BS2_GetDeviceTime: Gets the device time. BS2_SetDeviceTime: Sets the device time. BS2_ClearDatabase: Initializes the user information and blacklist. BS2_FactoryReset: Initializes all configurations and the database. BS2_RebootDevice: Restarts the device. BS2_LockDevice: Doesn't allow user authentication by locking the device. BS2_UnlockDevice: Allows user authentication by unlocking the device. BS2_SetKeepAliveTimeout: Configures the keep-alive time of the device. BS2_UpgradeFirmware: Upgrades the firmware. BS2_UpdateResource: Updates the resource. BS2_GetSpecifiedDeviceInfo: [+ 2.6.3] Gets specified device information. BS2_GetAuthOperatorLevelEx: [+ 2.6.3] Gets specified device operator. (Support operator up to 1000) BS2_GetAllAuthOperatorLevelEx: [+ 2.6.3] Gets all device operators. (Support operator up to 1000) BS2_SetAuthOperatorLevelEx: [+ 2.6.3] Sets device operator. (Support operator up to 1000) BS2_RemoveAuthOperatorLevelEx: [+ 2.6.3] Removes specified device operator. (Support operator up to 1000) BS2_RemoveAllAuthOperatorLevelEx: [+ 2.6.3] Removes all device operators. (Support operator up to 1000) BS2_GetDeviceCapabilities: [+ 2.8] Gets available function information of the device. BS2_RunAction: [+ 2.8.1] Commands the device to take certain actions. Structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfo typedef struct { uint32_t id; uint16_t type; uint8_t connectionMode; uint32_t ipv4Address; uint16_t port; uint32_t maxNumOfUser; uint8_t userNameSupported; uint8_t userPhotoSupported; uint8_t pinSupported; uint8_t cardSupported; uint8_t fingerSupported; uint8_t faceSupported; uint8_t wlanSupported; uint8_t tnaSupported; uint8_t triggerActionSupported; uint8_t wiegandSupported; uint8_t imageLogSupported; uint8_t dnsSupported; uint8_t jobCodeSupported; uint8_t wiegandMultiSupported; uint8_t rs485Mode; uint8_t sslSupported; uint8_t rootCertExist; uint8_t dualIDSupported; uint8_t useAlphanumericID; uint32_t connectedIP; uint8_t phraseCodeSupported; uint8_t card1xSupported; uint8_t systemExtSupported; uint8_t voipSupported; }BS2SimpleDeviceInfo; 1. id The device identifier which is always above 1. 2. type Code value of device type. Value Description 0x00 Unknown Type 0x01 BioEntry Plus 0x02 BioEntry W 0x03 BioLite Net 0x04 Xpass 0x05 Xpass S2 0x06 Secure IO 2 0x07 DM-20 0x08 BioStation 2 0x09 BioStation A2 0x0A FaceStation 2 0x0B IO Device 0x0C BioStation L2 0x0D BioEntry W2 0x0E CoreStation 40 0x0F Output Module 0x10 Input Module 0x11 BioEntry P2 0x12 BioLite N2 0x13 XPass2 0x14 XPass S3 0x15 BioEntry R2 0x16 XPass D2 0x17 Door Module 21 0x18 XPass D2 Keypad 0x19 FACELITE 0x1A XPass2 Keypad 0x1B XPass D2 Revision 0x1C XPass D2 Keypad Revision 0x1D FaceStation F2 Finger 0x1E FaceStation F2 0x1F XStation 2 QR 0x20 XStation 2 0x21 Input Module 120 0x22 XStation 2 Finger 0x23 BioStation 3 0x24 3rd party OSDP device 0x25 3rd party OSDP IO device 0x26 BioStation 2a 3. connectionMode It indicates the connection mode between the BioStar application and device which is separated by the subject of the connection as direct mode(0x0) and server mode(0x1). The BioStar application connects to the device in direct mode, and the device connects to the BioStar application in server mode. The default settings for the devices are direct mode, and to change the connection mode refer to IP Config. 4. ipv4Address IP address of the selected device. 5. port TCP port number of the selected device. 6. maxNumOfUser Maximum capacity of users that can be stored in the device. 7. userNameSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports user name. 8. userPhotoSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports user profile picture. 9. pinSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports PIN. 10. cardSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports Smart card authentication. 11. fingerSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports finger authentication. 12. faceSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports face recognition. 13. wlanSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports wireless LAN. 14. tnaSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports time and attendance. 15. triggerActionSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports trigger action. 16. wiegandSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports wiegand. 17. imageLogSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports image logs. 18. dnsSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports DNS. 19. jobCodeSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports job codes. 20. wiegandMultiSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports Multi-Wiegand. 21. rs485Mode RS-485 mode of the device. 22. sslSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports SSL communication. 23. rootCertExist Flag that notifies whether the device has a root certificate. 24. dualIDSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports alphanumeric ID. 25. useAlphanumericID Flag that notifies whether the device is currently using Alphanumeric ID. 26. connectedIP IP address where the device is connected to. (0xFFFFFFFF if disconnected) 27. phraseCodeSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports personal messages. 28. card1xSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports reading 1.x ToC cards. 29. systemExtSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports configuring RS-485 keys. 30. voipSupported Flag that notifies whether the device supports VoIP. BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx Retrieves BS2SimpleDeviceInfo and supported information. typedef struct { enum { BS2_SUPPORT_RS485EX = 0x00000001, BS2_SUPPORT_CARDEX = 0x00000002, BS2_SUPPORT_DST = 0x00000004, BS2_SUPPORT_DESFIREEX = 0x00000008, BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX = 0x00000010, BS2_SUPPORT_QR = 0x00000020, BS2_SUPPORT_FINGER_SCAN = 0x00010000, BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_SCAN = 0x00020000, BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX_SCAN = 0x00040000, BS2_SUPPORT_QR_SCAN = 0x00080000, BS2_SUPPORT_ALL = BS2_SUPPORT_RS485EX | BS2_SUPPORT_CARDEX | BS2_SUPPORT_DST | BS2_SUPPORT_DESFIREEX | BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX | BS2_SUPPORT_QR | BS2_SUPPORT_FINGER_SCAN | BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_SCAN | BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX_SCAN | BS2_SUPPORT_QR_SCAN, }; uint32_t supported; uint8_t reserved[4]; }BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx; 1. supported The current device additionally obtains information beyond the functionality provided by BS2SimpleDeviceInfo. By bit masking with the values defined below, you can check if it is supported. Definition Value Description BS2_SUPPORT_RS485EX 0x00000001 Whether RS485 extensions are supported (In case of CoreStation 40) BS2_SUPPORT_CARDEX 0x00000002 Whether iClass SEOS card is used BS2_SUPPORT_DST 0x00000004 Whether daylight savings time is used BS2_SUPPORT_DESFIREEX 0x00000008 Whether DesFire advanced setting is supported [+2.6.4] BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX 0x00000010 Whether support face matching for FSF2 [+ V2.7.1] BS2_SUPPORT_QR 0x00000020 Whether support QR matching XStation 2 QR [+ V2.8.0] BS2_SUPPORT_FINGER_SCAN 0x00010000 Whether support fingerprint scan [+ V2.7.1] BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_SCAN 0x00020000 Whether support face scan for FS2 and FL [+ V2.7.1] BS2_SUPPORT_FACE_EX_SCAN 0x00040000 Whether support face scan for FSF2 [+ V2.7.1] BS2_SUPPORT_QR_SCAN 0x00080000 Whether support QR scan XStation 2 [+ V2.8.0] BS2_SUPPORT_ALL 0x000FFFFF Whether to provide additional full information 2. reserved Reserved space. BS2ResourceElement typedef struct { uint8_t type; uint32_t numResData; struct { uint8_t index; uint32_t dataLen; uint8_t* data; }resData[128]; }BS2ResourceElement; 1. type Resource data type. Value Description Supported data format 0 UI(Language pack) Suprema language pack 1 Notice message UTF-8 string 2 Image(Background) PNG 3 Slide image PNG 4 Sound WAVE 2. numResData Number of resource data. 3. index Resource index number. 4. dataLen Resource data length. 5. data Binary resource data. BS2IPv6DeviceInfo enum { BS2_MAX_IPV6_ALLOCATED_ADDR = 8, }; typedef struct { BS2_DEVICE_ID id; uint8_t reserved[1]; uint8_t bIPv6Mode; char ipv6Address[BS2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE]; uint16_t portV6; char connectedIPV6[BS2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE]; uint8_t numOfAllocatedAddressV6; char allocatedIpAddressV6[BS2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE][BS2_MAX_IPV6_ALLOCATED_ADDR]; }BS2IPv6DeviceInfo; 1. id Device ID 2. reserved Reserved space 3. bIPv6Mode Flag to determine whether to work IPv6 mode or not. 4. ipv6Address IPv6 address of device 5. portV6 IPv6 port of device 6. connectedIPV6 IPv6 address of server which device is connected. 7. numOfAllocatedAddressV6 Number of IPv6 addresses currently allocated to device. 8. allocatedIpAddressV6 IPv6 addresses currently allocated to device. BS2AuthOperatorLevel typedef struct { char userID[BS2_USER_ID_SIZE]; uint8_t level; uint8_t reserved[3]; } BS2Operator; typedef BS2Operator BS2AuthOperatorLevel; 1. userID User ID 2. level Sets operator level when user authenticates. Value Description 0 No auth 1 Administrator level 2 System configuration level 3 User information lelve 3. reserved Reserved space BS2DeviceCapabilities [+ 2.8] typedef struct { uint32_t maxUsers; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxEventLogs; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxImageLogs; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxBlacklists; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxOperators; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxCards; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxFaces; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxFingerprints; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxUserNames; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxUserImages; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxUserJobs; ///< 4 bytes uint32_t maxUserPhrases; ///< 4 bytes uint8_t maxOutputPorts; ///< 1 byte uint8_t maxRelays; ///< 1 byte uint8_t maxRS485Channels; ///< 1 byte uint8_t cameraSupported: 1; uint8_t tamperSupported: 1; uint8_t wlanSupported: 1; uint8_t displaySupported: 1; uint8_t thermalSupported: 1; uint8_t maskSupported: 1; uint8_t faceExSupported: 1; uint8_t unused: 1; union { uint32_t mask; ///< 4 bytes struct { uint32_t EM: 1; uint32_t HIDProx: 1; uint32_t MifareFelica: 1; uint32_t iClass: 1; uint32_t ClassicPlus: 1; uint32_t DesFireEV1: 1; uint32_t SRSE: 1; uint32_t SEOS: 1; uint32_t NFC: 1; uint32_t BLE: 1; uint32_t CustomClassicPlus: 1; uint32_t CustomDesFireEV1: 1; uint32_t TOM_NFC: 1; uint32_t TOM_BLE: 1; uint32_t CustomFelica: 1; uint32_t reserved: 16; uint32_t useCardOperation: 1; }; } cardSupported; struct { BS2_BOOL extendedMode; ///< 1 byte union { uint8_t mask; ///< 1 byte struct { uint8_t card: 1; uint8_t fingerprint: 1; uint8_t face: 1; uint8_t id: 1; uint8_t pin: 1; uint8_t reserved: 3; }; } credentials; uint8_t reserved[2]; ///< 2 bytes union { struct { union { uint8_t mask; ///< 1 byte struct { uint8_t biometricOnly: 1; uint8_t biometricPIN: 1; uint8_t unused: 6; }; } biometricAuth; union { uint8_t mask; ///< 1 byte struct { uint8_t cardOnly: 1; uint8_t cardBiometric: 1; uint8_t cardPIN: 1; uint8_t cardBiometricOrPIN: 1; uint8_t cardBiometricPIN: 1; uint8_t unused: 3; }; } cardAuth; union { uint8_t mask; ///< 1 byte struct { uint8_t idBiometric: 1; uint8_t idPIN: 1; uint8_t idBiometricOrPIN: 1; uint8_t idBiometricPIN: 1; uint8_t unused: 4; }; } idAuth; } legacy; struct { union { uint32_t mask; ///< 4 bytes struct { uint32_t faceOnly: 1; uint32_t faceFingerprint: 1; uint32_t facePIN: 1; uint32_t faceFingerprintOrPIN: 1; uint32_t faceFingerprintPIN: 1; uint32_t unused: 27; }; } faceAuth; union { uint32_t mask; ///< 4 bytes struct { uint32_t fingerprintOnly: 1; uint32_t fingerprintFace: 1; uint32_t fingerprintPIN: 1; uint32_t fingerprintFaceOrPIN: 1; uint32_t fingerprintFacePIN: 1; uint32_t unused: 27; }; } fingerprintAuth; union { uint32_t mask; ///< 4 bytes struct { uint32_t cardOnly: 1; uint32_t cardFace: 1; uint32_t cardFingerprint: 1; uint32_t cardPIN: 1; uint32_t cardFaceOrFingerprint: 1; uint32_t cardFaceOrPIN: 1; uint32_t cardFingerprintOrPIN: 1; uint32_t cardFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN: 1; uint32_t cardFaceFingerprint: 1; uint32_t cardFacePIN: 1; uint32_t cardFingerprintFace: 1; uint32_t cardFingerprintPIN: 1; uint32_t cardFaceOrFingerprintPIN: 1; uint32_t cardFaceFingerprintOrPIN: 1; uint32_t cardFingerprintFaceOrPIN: 1; uint32_t unused: 17; }; } cardAuth; union { uint32_t mask; ///< 4 bytes struct { uint32_t idFace: 1; uint32_t idFingerprint: 1; uint32_t idPIN: 1; uint32_t idFaceOrFingerprint: 1; uint32_t idFaceOrPIN: 1; uint32_t idFingerprintOrPIN: 1; uint32_t idFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN: 1; uint32_t idFaceFingerprint: 1; uint32_t idFacePIN: 1; uint32_t idFingerprintFace: 1; uint32_t idFingerprintPIN: 1; uint32_t idFaceOrFingerprintPIN: 1; uint32_t idFaceFingerprintOrPIN: 1; uint32_t idFingerprintFaceOrPIN: 1; uint32_t unused: 18; }; } idAuth; } extended; }; } authSupported; uint8_t intelligentPDSupported: 1; uint8_t updateUserSupported: 1; uint8_t simulatedUnlockSupported: 1; uint8_t smartCardByteOrderSupported: 1; uint8_t treatAsCSNSupported: 1; uint8_t rtspSupported: 1; uint8_t lfdSupported: 1; uint8_t visualQRSupported: 1; uint8_t maxVoipExtensionNumbers; ///< 1 byte uint8_t osdpStandardCentralSupported : 1; ///< 1 byte uint8_t enableLicenseFuncSupported : 1; ///< 1 byte uint8_t keypadBacklightSupported: 1; uint8_t uzWirelessLockDoorSupported: 1; uint8_t customSmartCardSupported: 1; uint8_t tomSupported: 1; uint8_t tomEnrollSupported: 1; uint8_t showOsdpResultbyLED: 1; uint8_t customSmartCardFelicaSupported: 1; uint8_t ignoreInputAfterWiegandOut: 1; uint8_t setSlaveBaudrateSupported: 1; uint8_t unused: 5; uint16_t visualFaceTemplateVersion; uint8_t unused2[2]; uint8_t reserved[424]; } BS2DeviceCapabilities; 1. maxUsers Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (User) 2. maxEventLogs Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Event log) 3. maxImageLogs Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Image log) 4. maxBlacklists Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Blacklist) 5. maxOperators Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Operator) 6. maxCards Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Card) 7. maxFaces Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Face) 8. maxFingerprints Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Fingerprint) 9. maxUserNames Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Username) 10. maxUserImages Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (user image) 11. maxUserJobs Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Job code) 12. maxUserPhrases Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (User phrase) 13. maxCardsPerUser Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Card per user) 14. maxFacesPerUser Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Face per user) 15. maxFingerprintsPerUser Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (Fingerprint per user) 16. maxInputPorts Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (input port of device) 17. maxOutputPorts Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (output port of device) 18. maxRelays Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (relay on device) 19. maxRS485Channels Indicates the maximum number of information that can be stored on the device. (RS485 channel) 20. System support information It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. Bit position Number of bit Member Description 0 1 cameraSupported Camera Support or not 1 1 tamperSupported Tamper Support or not 2 1 wlanSupported WLAN Support or not 3 1 displaySupported Available LCD or not 4 1 thermalSupported TCM 10 (Thermal Detection) Support or not 5 1 maskSupported Mask Detection Support or not 6 1 faceExSupported Visual Face device such as FaceStation F2 or not 7 1 unused Unassigned 21. cardSupported This indicates the card support relevant. Referring to mask value, you can access each item in its entirety or in bit units. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask total Information 0 1 EM EM Card 1 1 HIDProx HID Proximity Card 2 1 MifareFelica MIFARE / FeliCa 3 1 iClass iClass Card 4 1 ClassicPlus Classic plus Card 5 1 DesFireEV1 DESFire EV1 6 1 SRSE iClass SR, iClass SE 7 1 SEOS iClass SEOS 8 1 NFC NFC Card 9 1 BLE BLE 10 1 ClassicPlus(Custom card) ClassicPlus(Custom Card) 11 1 DesFireEV1(Custom card) DesFireEV1(Custom Card) 12 1 TOM NFC TOM NFC 13 1 TOM BLE TOM BLE 14 1 FeliCa(Custom card) FeliCa (Custom Card) 15 16 reserved Unassigned 31 1 useCardOperation Card operation enabled or not 22. authSupported This indicates support information related to authentication. 23. extendedMode If true, extended authentication mode is supported, refer to authSupported.extended. If false, non-extended authentication mode is supported, refer to authSupported.lagacy. 24. credentials This indicates supported authentication methods. You can access each item in its entirety or in bit units as a mask value. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 0 1 card Card 1 1 fingerprint Fingerprint 2 1 face Face 3 1 id ID 4 1 pin PIN 5 3 reserved Unassgined 25. reserved Reserved space. 26. legacy Information referenced when non-extended authentication mode is supported. 27. biometricAuth (Non-extended authentication mode) Indicates the biometric authentication combination. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 0 1 biometricOnly Biometric only 1 1 biometricPIN Biometric + PIN 2 6 unused Unassigned 28. cardAuth (Non-extended authentication mode) Indicates the card authentication combination. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 0 1 cardOnly Card only 1 1 cardBiometric Card + Biometric 2 1 cardPIN Card + PIN 3 1 cardBiometricOrPIN Card + Biometric/PIN 4 1 cardBiometricPIN Card + Biometric + PIN 5 3 unused Unassigned 29. idAuth (Non-extended authentication mode) Indicates the ID authentication combination. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 0 1 idBiometric ID + Biometric 1 1 idPIN ID + PIN 2 1 idBiometricOrPIN ID + Biometric/PIN 3 1 idBiometricPIN ID + Biometric + PIN 4 4 unused Unassigned 30. extended This information is referenced when supporting extended authentication mode. 31. faceAuth (Extended authentication mode) Indicates the face authentication combination. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 0 1 faceOnly Face only 1 1 faceFingerprint Face + Fingerprint 2 1 facePIN Face + PIN 3 1 faceFingerprintOrPIN Face + Fingerprint/PIN 4 1 faceFingerprintPIN Face + Fingerprint + PIN 5 27 unused Unassigned 32. fingerprintAuth (Extended authentication mode) Indicates a combination of fingerprint authentication. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 0 1 fingerprintOnly Fingerprint only 1 1 fingerprintFace Fingerprint + Face 2 1 fingerprintPIN Fingerprint + PIN 3 1 fingerprintFaceOrPIN Fingerprint + Face/PIN 4 1 fingerprintFacePIN Fingerprint + Face + PIN 5 27 unused Unassigned 33. cardAuth (Extended authentication mode) Indicates the card authentication combination. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 0 1 cardOnly Card only 1 1 cardFace Card + Face 2 1 cardFingerprint Card + Fingerprint 3 1 cardPIN Card + PIN 4 1 cardFaceOrFingerprint Card + Face/Fingerprint 5 1 cardFaceOrPIN Card + Face/PIN 6 1 cardFingerprintOrPIN Card + Fingerprint/PIN 7 1 cardFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN Card + Face/Fingerprint/PIN 8 1 cardFaceFingerprint Card + Face + Fingerprint 9 1 cardFacePIN Card + Face + PIN 10 1 cardFingerprintFace Card + Fingerprint + Face 11 1 cardFingerprintPIN Card + Fingerprint + PIN 12 1 cardFaceOrFingerprintPIN Card + Face/Fingerprint + PIN 13 1 cardFaceFingerprintOrPIN Card + Face + Fingerprint/PIN 14 1 cardFingerprintFaceOrPIN Card + Fingerprint + Face/PIN 15 17 unused Unassigned 34. idAuth (Extended authentication mode) Indicates the ID authentication combination. Bit position Number of bit Member Description - Total mask Total Information 1 1 idFace ID + Face 2 1 idFingerprint ID + Fingerprint 3 1 idPIN ID + PIN 4 1 idFaceOrFingerprint ID + Face/Fingerprint 5 1 idFaceOrPIN ID + Face/PIN 6 1 idFingerprintOrPIN ID + Fingerprint/PIN 7 1 idFaceOrFingerprintOrPIN ID + Face/Fingerprint/PIN 8 1 idFaceFingerprint ID + Face + Fingerprint 9 1 idFacePIN ID + Face + PIN 10 1 idFingerprintFace ID + Fingerprint + Face 11 1 idFingerprintPIN ID + Fingerprint + PIN 12 1 idFaceOrFingerprintPIN ID + Face/Fingerprint + PIN 13 1 idFaceFingerprintOrPIN ID + Face + Fingerprint/PIN 14 1 idFingerprintFaceOrPIN ID + Fingerprint + Face/PIN 15 18 unused Unassigned 35. System support information It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. Bit position Number of bit Member Description 0 1 intelligentPDSupported Whether Intelligent PD is supported. (BS2Rs485Config) 1 1 updateUserSupported Whether User information update is supported. 2 1 simulatedUnlockSupported Whether simulated button unlock is supported. 3 1 smartCardByteOrderSupported Whether smartCardByteOrder is supported. (BS2CardConfig) 4 1 treatAsCSNSupported Whether treatAsCSN is supported. (BS2BarcodeConfig) 5 1 rtspSupported Whether RTSP is supported. (BS2RtspConfig) 6 1 lfdSupported Whether LFD is supported. 7 1 visualQRSupported Whether Visual QR is supported. 36. maxVoipExtensionNumbers It is the number of registered internal numbers in the extension phone book at the extended VoIP setting information. 37. System support information 2 It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. Bit position Number of bit Member Description 0 1 osdpStandardCentralSupported Whether OSDP Standard is supported. (BS2OsdpStandardConfig) 1 1 enableLicenseFuncSupported Whether Device license is supported.(BS2LicenseConfig) 2 1 keypadBacklightSupported Whether Keypad backlight is supported. 3 1 uzWirelessLockDoorSupported Whether U&Z wireless lock is supported. 4 1 customSmartCardSupported Whether Custom card is supported. (BS2CustomCardConfig) 5 1 tomSupported Whether ToM is supported. 6 1 tomEnrollSupported Whether ToM enrollment is supported. 7 1 showOsdpResultbyLED Whether OSDP standard device supports the ability to display authentication results. (BS2DisplayConfig) 38. System support information 3 It indicates the system information supported by the device in bit units as follows. Bit position Number of bit Member Description 0 1 customSmartCardFelicaSupported Whether FeliCa custom smart card is supported. 1 1 ignoreInputAfterWiegandOut Whether a feature to filter out repetitive re-entry of Wiegand output results is included. 2 1 setSlaveBaudrateSupported Whether to support baudrate setting of RS485 slave device. 3 5 unused Unassigned 39. visualFaceTemplateVersion For visual face devices, indicates template version information supported/processed by the device. 40. unused2 Reserved space. 41. reserved Reserved space.