This is an old revision of the document!
Version 2.6.4 (V2.6.4.1)
New Features
- Supports the API retrieving logs filtered by EventMask
- Supports DesFire Advanced format setting
- Supports the card type selection feature
- Supports duplicate fingerprints/face check
1. The API retrieving logs filtered by Event Mask so that you can use memory efficiently than before.
- Structure BS2EventSmallBlob has been added
- API BS2_GetLogSmallBlob has been added
- API BS2_GetLogSmallBlobFromDir has been added
2. DesFire Advanced format setting is now supported.
- Structure BS2SimpleDeviceInfoEx has been added
- Structure BS2DesFireCardConfigEx has been added
- API BS2_GetDesFireCardConfigEx has been added
- API BS2_SetDesFireCardConfigEx has been added
3. Card type selection is available so that you can select/deselect the card type you want to read fro the device.
- Structure BS2SystemConfig has been added
- API BS2_SetSystemConfig has been added
4. Duplicate fingerprint and face check is available.
- Structure BS2FaceConfig has been added
- API BS2_GetFingerprintConfig has been added
- API BS2_SetFingerprintConfig has been added
- Structure BS2FingerprintConfig has been added
- API BS2_GetFaceConfig has been added
- API BS2_SetFaceConfig has been added
Modified Features
1. Fixed the issue of device malfunctioning and rebooting when BS2Job.numJobs in BS2UserBlobEx exceeds the maximum value 16.
- Refer to structure BS2UserBlobEx
- Refer to API BS2_VerifyUserEx
- Refer to API BS2_IdentifyUserEx
- Refer to API BS2_EnrolUserEx
- Refer to API BS2_VerifyUserSmallEx
- Refer to API BS2_IdentifyUserSmallEx
- Refer to API BS2_EnrollUserSmallEx
2. Fixed the issue of BioStation 2 not available for user images.
3. Fixed the error BS_SDK_INVALID_CODE_SIGN when upgrading SIO2.
4. Fixed the error BS_SDK_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling BS2_GetCardModel for BLN2-PAB.
- Refer to API BS2_GetCardModel
5. Fixed the issue that SDK doesn't recognize device disconnection when the device is constantly disconnected.
6. Fixed the issue of Linux SDK crash.