Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Table of Contents Smartcard API Structure BS2CSNCard BS2SmartCardHeader BS2SmartCardCredentials BS2AccessOnCardData BS2SmartCardData BS2Card Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! Smartcard API API that provides a function that reads and writes card data. BS2_ScanCard: Scans the card from the device and analyzes it. BS2_WriteCard: Writes data to the smart card. BS2_EraseCard: Formats the smart card. Structure BS2CSNCard typedef struct { uint8_t type; uint8_t size; uint8_t data[BS2_CARD_DATA_SIZE]; } BS2CSNCard; 1. type The code value of card type. The card type is to indicate the purpose of the card. When transferring a user from device to server, the Access card will be used only to keep the issue history, since the Access card will work on its own without any user information. Value Description Used Format 0x00 Unknown card 0x01 CSN card 0x02 Secure card 0x03 Access card 0x06 QR Code 0x0A Wiegand card BS2WiegandConfig.format (This format is used when BS2WiegandConfig.CSNIndex and BS2WiegandConfig.CardMask is set as 0 0x1A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[0] 0x2A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[1] 0x3A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[2] 0x4A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[3] 0x5A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[4] 0x6A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[5] 0x7A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[6] 0x8A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[7] 0x9A Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[8] 0xAA Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[9] 0xBA Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[10] 0xCA Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[11] 0xDA Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[12] 0xEA Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[13] 0xFA Wiegand card BS2WiegandMultiConfig.formats[14] 2. size This is the size of the data buffer. This field needs to be filled with a fixed value as '32'. 3. data The data of card template. In case of Secure Credential Card(SCC), users need to have card information which includes Card ID(24byte), issueCount(4byte) and TimeStamp(4byte). Also, cardObjs array of BS2UserBlob structure should be filled for SCC cards and the user should be updated after SCC issuing. Tip You can use any value as long as the data and the cardObj in BS2UserBlob match. TimeStamp or issueCount is an operational flag for better management but there's no validation check for TimeStamp or issueCount on the device. BS2SmartCardHeader typedef struct { uint16_t hdrCRC; uint16_t cardCRC; BS2_CARD_TYPE cardType; uint8_t numOfTemplate; uint16_t templateSize; uint16_t issueCount; uint8_t duressMask; uint8_t cardAuthMode; uint8_t useAlphanumericID; uint8_t cardAuthModeEx; uint8_t numOfFaceTemplate; uint8_t reserved[1]; } BS2SmartCardHeader; 1. hdrCRC Value of card header checksum. (cardCRC - reserved) 2. cardCRC Value of card data checksum. (BS2SmartCardHeader.cardType - BS2SmartCardData.accessOnData) 3. cardType Code of card types. Value Description 0x00 Unknown card 0x01 CSN card 0x02 Secure card 0x03 Access card 0x0A Wiegand card 0x0B Config card 4. numOfTemplate Number of templates. Based on AoC structure, template data is stored in BS2SmartCardCredentials. Here you can store either fingerprint or face template. Both fingerprint and face templates can not be stored together. Thus, you have to set numOfFacetemplate = 0 if you want to store fingerprint template data. 5. templateSize Size of the template. A normal fingerprint template is a fixed 384 byte. If you are using a smart card the default in BioStar 2 is 300 bytes and you can change as required but we recommend that you set it above 300 bytes because if the template size is too small it can cause fingerprint matching issues because of the lack of information in the template. 6. issueCount Number of smart card issue count. 7. duressMask Mask for whether there is a duress finger. 8. cardAuthMode Other devices Card authentication mode. FaceStation F2 Please use cardAuthModeEx instead Value Description 2 Card only 3 Card + Fingerprint 4 Card + PIN 5 Card + Fingerprint or PIN 6 Card + Fingerprint + PIN 254 Cannot use 255 Not defined(System defined mode) 9. useAlphanumericID Flag of usage of Alphanumeric ID 10. cardAuthModeEx Other devices Please use cardAuthMode instead [+ V2.7.1] FaceStation F2 Card authentication mode Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 21 Card 22 Card Face 23 Card Fingerprint 24 Card PIN 25 Card Face or Fingerprint 26 Card Face or PIN 27 Card Fingerprint or PIN 28 Card Face or Fingerprint or PIN 29 Card Face Fingerprint 30 Card Face PIN 31 Card Fingerprint Face 32 Card Fingerprint PIN 33 Card Face or Fingerprint PIN 34 Card Face Fingerprint or PIN 35 Card Fingerprint Face or PIN 254 Cannot use 255 Not defined(System defined mode) 11. numOfFaceTemplate Number of face templates. Basic size of template is different between fingerprint and face(Fingerprint:384, Face:552). You can consider the total size of templateData in BS2SmartCardCredentials. Based on AoC structure, template data is stored in BS2SmartCardCredentials. Here you can store either fingerprint or face template. Both fingerprint and face templates can not be stored together. Thus, you have to set numOftemplate = 0 if you want to store face template data. 12. reserved Reserved BS2SmartCardCredentials typedef struct { uint8_t pin[BS2_PIN_HASH_SIZE]; uint8_t templateData[BS2_SMART_CARD_MAX_TEMPLATE_COUNT * BS2_FINGER_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; } BS2SmartCardCredentials; 1. pin Value of PIN. 2. templateData List of fingerprint template data area, which can be stored up to 4 fingerprint templates. BS2AccessOnCardData typedef struct { uint16_t accessGroupID[BS2_SMART_CARD_MAX_ACCESS_GROUP_COUNT]; BS2_DATETIME startTime; BS2_DATETIME endTime; } BS2AccessOnCardData; 1. accessGroupID List of access group IDs. 2. startTime Starting time where a user can authenticate. When it is set as 0, there are no limits. 3. endTime Ending time where a user can authenticate. When it is set as 0, there are no limits. BS2SmartCardData typedef struct { BS2SmartCardHeader header; uint8_t cardID[BS2_CARD_DATA_SIZE]; BS2SmartCardCredentials credentials; BS2AccessOnCardData accessOnData; } BS2SmartCardData; 1. header Smart card header. 2. cardID Card ID that will be used on the card. Access on Cards will need to use the 32 byte array for the card ID. Secure Credential Cards will need to use a 24 byte array for the card ID. In case of Secure Credential Card(SCC), users need to have card information which includes Card ID(24byte), issueCount(4byte) and TimeStamp(4byte). Also, cardObjs array of BS2UserBlob structure should be filled for SCC cards and the user should be updated after SCC issuing. 3. credentials Authentication data area where the PIN or fingerprint template is stored. 4. accessOnData Data area the AOC card uses, which carries the access group information. BS2Card typedef struct { uint8_t isSmartCard; union { BS2CSNCard card; BS2SmartCardData smartCard; }; }BS2Card; 1. isSmartCard Decides whether it is a smart card. 2. card CSN card data. 3. smartCard Smart card data.