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Communication API

API that controls the device communication having LAN, USB, RS485 for communication interface. To get the status of the connection and the search results in real-time, register a callback function using the BS2_SetDeviceEventListener function.

typedef void (*OnDeviceFound)(uint32_t deviceId);
typedef void (*OnDeviceAccepted)(BS2_DEVICE_ID deviceId);
typedef void (*OnDeviceConnected)(uint32_t deviceId);
typedef void (*OnDeviceDisconnected)(uint32_t deviceId);
typedef void (*OnAlarmFired)(BS2_DEVICE_ID deviceId, const BS2Event* event);
typedef void (*OnInputDetected)(BS2_DEVICE_ID deviceId, const BS2Event* event);
typedef void (*OnConfigChanged)(BS2_DEVICE_ID deviceId, uint32_t configMask);

1. OnDeviceFound
Callback function that is called when a new BioStar device has been found in the subnet.

2. OnDeviceAccepted
Callback function that is called when a BioStar device requests to connect to the BioStar application.

3. OnDeviceConnected
Callback function that is called when the device and BioStar application is connected.

4. OnDeviceDisconnected
Callback function that is called when the device and BioStar application is disconnected.

5. OnAlarmFired
Callback function that is called when the alarm configured to a zone triggers.

6. OnInputDetected
Callback function that is called when an input signal is detected.

7. OnConfigChanged
Callback function that is called when the configuration of the device is modified.