Table of Contents

Lift Control API

API that configures the OM-120, which can control lifts.



typedef struct {
	BS2_LIFT_ID		liftID;				
	char			name[BS2_MAX_LIFT_NAME_LEN];
	uint32_t		activateTimeout;	
	uint32_t		dualAuthTimeout;			
	uint8_t	                numFloors;		
	uint8_t	                numDualAuthApprovalGroups;	
	BS2_DUAL_AUTH_APPROVAL	dualAuthApprovalType;		
	BS2_BOOL	        tamperOn;		
	BS2_BOOL                dualAuthRequired[BS2_MAX_DEVICES_ON_LIFT];			
	BS2_SCHEDULE_ID		dualAuthScheduleID;			
	BS2LiftFloor		floor[BS2_MAX_FLOORS_ON_LIFT];				
	BS2LiftAlarm            alarm[BS2_MAX_ALARMS_ON_LIFT];
	BS2LiftAlarm            tamper;
	BS2_LIFT_ALARM_FLAG	alarmFlags;		
	uint8_t                 reserved[3];			
} BS2Lift;

1. liftID
Lift ID

2. name
Name of the lift.

3. deviceID
ID of the device taht is connected to the lift.

4. activateTimeout
Time for the lift to be closed after it has been opened. The unit is seconds.

5. dualAuthTimeout
Interval between the first user's authentication and the second user's authentication. The unit is seconds.

6. numFloors
Number of floors that is configured to the lift.

7. numDualAuthApprovalGroups
Number of access groups having authority of dual authentication.

8. dualAuthApprovalType
Decides whether to distinguish if the user belongs to an access group having authority when accessing the door .

Value Description
0 None
1 Check the last user's authority

9. tamperOn
The status of the tamper.

10. dualAuthRequired
Flag that indicates whether dual authentication is enabled.

11. dualAuthScheduleID
Schedule for the dual authentication. Set the value as 0 for disable, 1 for enable, or set a schedule ID.

12. floor
Floor information of the lift, which can be configured up to 255 floors.

13. dualAuthApprovalGroupID
List of access groups having dual authentication authority, which can be configured up to 16 access groups.

14. alarm
Alarm that will be triggered when the sensor input gets detected, which can be configured up to 2 alarms.

15. tamper
Alarm that will be triggered when the tamper gets detected on the lift.

16. alarmFlags
Status of the door alarm.

17. reserved
Reserved space.


typedef struct {
	BS2_DEVICE_ID	deviceID;		
	uint8_t		port;			
	BS2FloorStatus  status;		
} BS2LiftFloor;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. port
Relay port number.

3. status
Status of the floor.


typedef struct {
	BS2_BOOL		activated;			
	BS2_FLOOR_FLAG		activateFlags;	
	BS2_FLOOR_FLAG		deactivateFlags;		
} BS2FloorStatus;

1. activated
Determines whether the floor is activated or deactivated.

2. activateFlags
The priority of when the floor gets activated, which will not operate if the priority is lower than the deactivate priority. For example, if the floor is activated with the operator priority, all users entry will not be allowed. The deactivateFlags and activateFlags cannot have the same priority besides the default priority NONE.

Value Description Priority
0 None Normal
1 Scheduled High
4 Operator Very High
2 Emergency Highest

3. deactivateFlags
The priority of when the floor gets deactivated, which will not operate if the priority is lower than the activateFlags priority.

Value Description Priority
0 None Normal
1 Scheduled High
4 Operator Very High
2 Emergency Highest


typedef struct {
	BS2_DEVICE_ID	        deviceID;		
	uint8_t			port;		
	BS2_SWITCH_TYPE		switchType;		
	uint16_t		duration;			
	BS2_SCHEDULE_ID		scheduleID;		
} BS2LiftSensor;

1. deviceID
Device ID.

2. port
Input port number.

3. switchType
Type of the switch.

Value Description
0 Normally open
1 Normally closed

4. duration
다The time that will take to determine an input signal as a fire alarm. The unit is milliseconds.

5. scheduleID
ID of the time schedule when to operate the lift.


typedef struct {
	BS2LiftSensor sensor;
	BS2Action action;
} BS2LiftAlarm;

1. sensor
Sensor that detects the activate/deactivate status of the lift.

2. action
Action that the lift will execute.


typedef struct {
	BS2_LIFT_ID          liftID;		
	uint16_t             numFloors;		
	BS2_LIFT_ALARM_FLAG  alarmFlags;			
	BS2_BOOL             tamperOn;			
	BS2FloorStatus       floors[BS2_MAX_FLOORS_ON_LIFT];		
} BS2LiftStatus;

1. liftID
Lift ID.

2. numFloors
Number of floors that is allocated to the lift.

3. alarmFlags
Alarm status of the lift.

Value Description
0 None
1 First alarm
2 Second alarm
4 Tamper

4. tamperOn
The status of the tamper.

5. floors
Floor information of the lift, which can be configured up to 255 floors.


typedef struct {
	BS2_FLOOR_LEVEL_ID		id;		// id >= 32768 (BS2_ACCESS_LEVEL_ID < 32768)
	char				name[BS2_MAX_FLOOR_LEVEL_NAME_LEN];
	uint8_t				numFloorSchedules;
	uint8_t				reserved[3];
	BS2FloorSchedule		floorSchedules[BS2_MAX_FLOOR_LEVEL_ITEMS];
} BS2FloorLevel;

1. id
Floor ID. The floor ID should start from 32768. This is due to the level ID used for access levels which is maximum 32767.

2. name
Name of the floor.

3. numFloorSchedules
Number of time schedules that is allocated to the floor.

Reserved space.

5. floorSchedules
List of time schedules allocated to the floor.


typedef struct {
	BS2_LIFT_ID		liftID;
	uint16_t		floorIndex;
	uint8_t			reserved[2];
	BS2_SCHEDULE_ID	        scheduleID;
} BS2FloorSchedule;

1. liftID
Lift ID.

2. floorIndex
Floor ID.

3. reserved
Reserved Space.

4. scheduleID
Time shceulde ID.