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User Management API

API that provides functions to enroll and delete users.


typedef struct {
    char userID[BS2_USER_ID_SIZE];
    uint8_t formatVersion;
    uint8_t flag;
    uint16_t version;
    uint8_t numCards;
    uint8_t numFingers;
    uint8_t numFaces;
    uint8_t reserved2[1];
    uint32_t authGroupID;
    uint32_t faceChecksum;
} BS2User;

1. userID
User ID provided as string, and has a range of 1 ~ 4294967295.

2. formatVersion
Not Used.

3. flag
Flag that shows the user's status. OR operation is available and the mask value is listed below.

Value Description
0x00 None
0x01 User enrolled
0x02 User updated
0x04 User deleted
0x80 User disabled

4. version
Not Used.

5. numCards
Number of cards mapped to user.

6. numFingers
Number of fingerprint templates mapped to user.

7. numFaces
Number of face templates mapped to user.

8. authGroupID
ID of group when face group matching is enabled.

9. faceChecksum
Not Used.


Other than FaceStation F2
Please use BS2UserSettingEx for FaceStation F2.

typedef struct {
    uint32_t startTime;
    uint32_t endTime;
    uint8_t fingerAuthMode;
    uint8_t cardAuthMode;
    uint8_t idAuthMode;
    uint8_t securityLevel;
} BS2UserSetting;

1. startTime
Start time that a user can identify. When the value is 0, there are no limitations.

2. endTime
End time that that a user can identify. When the value is 0, there are no limitations.

3. fingerAuthMode
Finger authentication mode for user authentication.

Value Description
0 Uses only fingerprint authentication
1 Uses fingerprint and PIN authentication
254 Cannot use
255 Undefined(Operates as defined in system)

4. cardAuthMode
Card authentication mode for user authentication.

Value Description
2 Uses only card authentication
3 Uses card and fingerprint authentication
4 Uses card and PIN authentication
5 Uses fingerprint or PIN after card authentication
6 Uses card, fingerprint, and PIN authentication
254 Cannot use
255 Undefined(Operates as defined in system)

5. idAuthMode
ID authentication mode for user authentication.

Value Description
7 Uses fingerprint authentication after entering user ID
8 Uses PIN authentication after entering user ID
9 Uses fingerprint or PIN authentication after entering user ID
10 Uses fingerprint and PIN authentication after entering user ID
254 Cannot use
255 Undefined(Operates as defined in system)

6. securityLevel
Security level for fingerprint identification or face recognition.

Value Description
0 Default value defined in system
1 Lowest security level
2 Low security level
3 Normal security level
4 High security level
5 Highest security level


typedef struct {
    uint32_t size;
    uint8_t data[BS2_USER_PHOTO_SIZE];
} BS2UserPhoto;

1. size
Size of the user profile image data.

2. data
Data of the profile image, which can be stored up to 16kb.


typedef struct {
    BS2User user;
    BS2UserSetting setting;
    uint8_t name[BS2_USER_NAME_SIZE];
    BS2UserPhoto photo;
    uint8_t pin[BS2_PIN_HASH_SIZE];
    BS2CSNCard* cardObjs;
    BS2Fingerprint* fingerObjs;
    BS2Face* faceObjs;
    uint32_t accessGroupId[BS2_MAX_NUM_OF_ACCESS_GROUP_PER_USER];
} BS2UserBlob;

1. user
Structure that defines the basic user information.

2. setting
Structure that defines the configuration value for user identification.

3. name
User name having UTF-8 for string encoding.

4. photo
User profile image, which supports only Jpeg images.

5. pin
Personal Identification Number(PIN). It should be entered through BS_MakePinCode function.

6. cardObjs
Card list for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numCards. Refer to Smartcard API for data format.
In case of Secure Crendential card, cardObjs array of BS2UserBlob structure should be filled and the user should be updated after Secure Crendential card issuing.

7. fingerObjs
Fingerprint template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFingers. Refer to Fingerprint API for data format.

8. faceObjs
Face template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFaces. Refer to Face API for data format.

9. accessGroupId
List of access groups where users belong to which can be configured up to 16 groups.


typedef struct {
	uint8_t numJobs;                     
	uint8_t reserved[3];                 
	struct {
		BS2_JOB_CODE code;                 
		BS2_JOB_LABEL label;               
	} jobs[BS2_MAX_JOB_SIZE];
} BS2Job;

1. numJobs
Number of job codes allocated to the user.

2. reserved
Reserved Space.

3. jobs
List of jobs.


typedef struct {
    BS2User user;
    BS2UserSetting setting;
    uint8_t name[BS2_USER_NAME_SIZE];
    BS2UserPhoto photo;
    uint8_t pin[BS2_PIN_HASH_SIZE];
    BS2CSNCard* cardObjs;
    BS2Fingerprint* fingerObjs;
    BS2Face* faceObjs;
    BS2Job job;
    BS2_USER_PHRASE phrase;
    uint32_t accessGroupId[BS2_MAX_NUM_OF_ACCESS_GROUP_PER_USER];
} BS2UserBlobEx;

1. user
Structure that defines the basic user information.

2. setting
Structure that defines the configuration value for user identification.

3. name
User name having UTF-8 for string encoding.

4. photo
User profile image, which supports only Jpeg images.

5. pin
Personal Identification Number(PIN). It should be entered through BS_MakePinCode function.

6. cardObjs
Card list for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numCards. Refer to Smartcard API for data format.

7. fingerObjs
Fingerprint template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFingers. Refer to Fingerprint API for data format.

8. faceObjs
Face template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFaces. Refer to Face API for data format.

9. job
Job code that will be allocated to user.

10. phrase
Private message that will be displayed when the user authenticates.

Model Supported Ver.
FaceStation 2 V1.0.0 or higher
FaceStation F2 V1.0.0 or higher
X-Station 2 V1.0.0 or higher

11. accessGroupId
List of access groups where users belong to which can be configured up to 16 groups.


typedef struct {
    BS2User user;
    BS2UserSetting setting;
    uint8_t name[BS2_USER_NAME_SIZE];
    BS2UserPhoto* photo;
    uint8_t pin[BS2_PIN_HASH_SIZE];
    BS2CSNCard* cardObjs;
    BS2Fingerprint* fingerObjs;
    BS2Face* faceObjs;    
    uint32_t accessGroupId[BS2_MAX_NUM_OF_ACCESS_GROUP_PER_USER];
} BS2UserSmallBlob;

1. user
Structure that defines the basic user information.

2. setting
Structure that defines the configuration value for user identification.

3. name
User name having UTF-8 for string encoding.

4. photo
User profile image, which supports only Jpeg images.

5. pin
Personal Identification Number(PIN). It should be entered through BS_MakePinCode function.

6. cardObjs
Card list for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numCards. Refer to Smartcard API for data format.

7. fingerObjs
Fingerprint template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFingers. Refer to Fingerprint API for data format.

8. faceObjs
Face template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFaces. Refer to Face API for data format.

9. accessGroupId
List of access groups where users belong to which can be configured up to 16 groups.


typedef struct {
    BS2User user;
    BS2UserSetting setting;
    uint8_t name[BS2_USER_NAME_SIZE];
    BS2UserPhoto* photo;
    uint8_t pin[BS2_PIN_HASH_SIZE];
    BS2CSNCard* cardObjs;
    BS2Fingerprint* fingerObjs;
    BS2Face* faceObjs;
    BS2Job job;
    BS2_USER_PHRASE phrase;
    uint32_t accessGroupId[BS2_MAX_NUM_OF_ACCESS_GROUP_PER_USER];
} BS2UserSmallBlobEx;

1. user
Structure that defines the basic user information.

2. setting
Structure that defines the configuration value for user identification.

3. name
User name having UTF-8 for string encoding.

4. photo
User profile image, which supports only Jpeg images.

5. pin
Personal Identification Number(PIN). It should be entered through BS_MakePinCode function.

6. cardObjs
Card list for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numCards. Refer to Smartcard API for data format.

7. fingerObjs
Fingerprint template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFingers. Refer to Fingerprint API for data format.

8. faceObjs
Face template for user authentication that needs to exist as much as user.numFaces. Refer to Face API for data format.

9. job
Job code that will be allocated to user.

10. phrase
Private message that will be displayed when the user authenticates.

Model Supported Ver.
FaceStation 2 V1.0.0 or higher
FaceStation F2 V1.0.0 or higher
X-Station 2 V1.0.0 or higher

11. accessGroupId
List of access groups where users belong to which can be configured up to 16 groups.


FaceStation F2 Only
Please use BS2UserSetting other than FaceStation F2.

typedef struct {
    uint8_t faceAuthMode;
    uint8_t fingerprintAuthMode;
    uint8_t cardAuthMode;
    uint8_t idAuthMode;
    uint8_t reserved[28];
} BS2UserSettingEx;

1. faceAuthMode
User facial authentication mode

Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
11 Face
12 Face Fingerprint
13 Face PIN
14 Face Fingerprint or PIN
15 Face Fingerprint PIN
254 Cannot use
255 Not defined(System defined mode)

2. fingerprintAuthMode
User fingerprint authentication mode

Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
16 Fingerprint
17 Fingerprint Face
18 Fingerprint PIN
19 Fingerprint Face or PIN
20 Fingerprint Face PIN
254 Cannot use
255 Not defined(System defined mode)

3. cardAuthMode
User card authentication mode

Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
21 Card
22 Card Face
23 Card Fingerprint
24 Card PIN
25 Card Face or Fingerprint
26 Card Face or PIN
27 Card Fingerprint or PIN
28 Card Face or Fingerprint or PIN
29 Card Face Fingerprint
30 Card Face PIN
31 Card Fingerprint Face
32 Card Fingerprint PIN
33 Card Face or Fingerprint PIN
34 Card Face Fingerprint or PIN
35 Card Fingerprint Face or PIN
254 Cannot use
255 Not defined(System defined mode)

4. idAuthMode
User ID authentication mode

Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
36 ID Face
37 ID Fingerprint
39 ID Face or Fingerprint
40 ID Face or PIN
41 ID Fingerprint or PIN
42 ID Face or Fingerprint or PIN
43 ID Face Fingerprint
44 ID Face PIN
45 ID Fingerprint Face
46 ID Fingerprint PIN
47 ID Face or Fingerprint PIN
48 ID Face Fingerprint or PIN
49 ID Fingerprint Face or PIN
254 Cannot use
255 Not defined(System defined mode)

5. reserved


typedef struct
    BS2User user;
    BS2UserSetting setting;
    BS2_USER_NAME user_name;
    BS2UserPhoto* user_photo_obj;
    BS2_USER_PIN pin;
    BS2CSNCard* cardObjs;
    BS2Fingerprint* fingerObjs;
    BS2Face* faceObjs;                  // FS2, FL
    BS2Job job;
    BS2_USER_PHRASE phrase;
    BS2UserSettingEx settingEx;         // F2
    BS2FaceEx* faceExObjs;              // F2
} BS2UserFaceExBlob;

1. user
Basic user information defined structure

2. setting
Basic user setting defined structure

3. name
User name (Encoding : UTF-8)

4. photo
User profile image (Only support jpeg)

5. pin
PIN, must be filled with a return of API BS2_MakePinCode 6. cardObjs
Card list for user authentication, there must be as many as user.numCards. Refer to Smartcard API for data format.

7. fingerObjs
Fingerprint template list for user authentication, there must be as many as user.numFingers. Refer to Fingerprint API for data format.

8. faceObjs
FaceStation2, FaceLite Face template list for user authentication, there must be as many as user.numFaces. Refer to Face API for data format.

9. job
Job code in T&A mode

10. phrase
Private message that will be displayed when the user authenticates.

Model Supported Ver.
FaceStation 2 V1.0.0 or higher
FaceStation F2 V1.0.0 or higher
X-Station 2 V1.0.0 or higher

11. accessGroupId
List of access group of the user assigned, maximum is 16.

12. settingEx
FaceStation F2 Sets private authentication. It is now possible to combine more various authentication modes by combining fingerprints and faces.

13. faceExObjs
FaceStation F2 Face template list for user authentication, there must be as many as user.numFaces. Refer to Face API for data format.