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en:trn_feature_guide [2024/03/18 13:09]
mwkim [BioStar 2.9.5]
en:trn_feature_guide [2024/09/27 12:15] (current)
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 ---- ----
 +==== BioStar 2.9.7 ====
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +  * {{ :en:BioStar 2_v2.9.7_Multi-Factor Auth for Login_EN.pdf | Logging in Biostar 2 with Multi-Factor Authentication}}
 +  * {{ :en:BioStar 2_v2.9.7_Sync Visual Face with Template_EN.pdf | Synchronizing Visual Face as Template Only}}
 ==== BioStar 2.9.5 ==== ==== BioStar 2.9.5 ====
 \\ \\