Table of Contents

Version 1.6.2 (V1.6.2_240809)



New Features and Improvements

1. Improved to get user update succeeded event log using the GetLogWithFilter function in the SDK.

2. Improved firmware upgrade method.

Bug Fixes

1. When loading the logs for the user who entered the admin menu using the SDK, the user ID was not displayed (Affects version: v1.0.0).

2. The user ID stored as a 32-character string is truncated to only 31 characters in a specific event log. (Affects version: v1.0.0)

3. When a user with a 32-character user ID authenticates to the device while the device is not connected to the server, the authentication event log is not updated in BioStar 2 even after the device is reconnected to the server. (Affects version: v1.0.0)