Table of Contents

Version 1.3.0 (V1.3.0_181115)



New Features and Improvements

1. Improves the data protection.

2. Change the maximum value of the interval and width for the Wiegand Input.

3. Support to the number of users, fingerprints, faces, and cards in Manage Users in Device.
4. If the data transmission fails when communicating with OSDP, it is transmitted again.
5. The site key is initialized if a secure tamper event occurs.
6. If an administrator has registered, modified, or deleted a user, the event log shows whether the editing was done on the server or on the device.
7. Support to the creation of up to 2048 Access Levels and Access Groups.

8. Support to DESFire/DESFire V1 Advanced option.
9. Support to AES encryption type for DESFire card.

10. When using The bypass, The card ID is output as Wiegand even though a user authenticates with the AoC.

Main Fixes

1. A code is added to prevent the authentication fails because the cache memory is broken.
2. The device reboots when authenticating with the dual authentication.

Bug Fixes

1. If the user uses the BS_GetLogBlob command to get the door ID, the door ID is not output normally.

2. When communicating with OSDP, the LED color is displayed differently from the setting.

3. The device cannot read CSN because the card recognized as an NFC tag.

4. Modified the firmware of that slave device so that it cannot be upgraded when a device not supported by the master device is connected as a slave.

5. If the elevator is configured by connecting the OM-120 to the device, the relays operate differently from the previous status when the slave device is rebooted.

6. The alarm can be released in the Floors status after a fire alarm occurs when the elevator is configured as a Fire Alarm Zone.