Table of Contents

Version 2.7.10 (V2.7.10.21)



New Features and Improvements

1. Support for connecting new devices.

2.Support to the USB fingerprint scanner in VISITOR menu.

3. Added the BioStar 2 Swagger.

4. Improved to control access when a user without administrator permissions attempts to access menus that the user does not have access to.

5. Improved the Custom Level for T&A management.

6. Add Automatic backup function for Setting.conf file.

7. Improved the resource files not to be deleted when upgrading BioStar 2 version if a user creates and uses language resource files other than that supported by the regular version.

8. Modified to allow the user to edit 'User ID' in <User Field Mapping> of Active Directory.

9. Update the resource files of Japanese, Arabic, and Spanish.

10. Support to allow the custom user field that added in the <SERVER> of Settings to be used in the T&A report.원

11. Supports the sorting for entire data in the T&A report.

12. Added option to select 'First in & Last Out' or 'All Punches' to search conditions of the individual report.

13. Changes the Java version.

Main fixes

1. When the User ID Type is set to Alphanumeric, the card ID is not displayed and authentication fails when authenticating with AoC (Access on Card).

2. If the start or end date of the Temporary Schedule is set as a holiday or the end date is set as the day before a holiday, the schedule cannot be created.

3. Temporary Schedules is created on a date that does not have a shift applied.

4. Users without the permission for Monitoring can view real-time logs of devices through a web socket.

5. When adding a door, the setting of door sensor is applied differently than the settings.

6. If the T&A device is disconnected and the device is not reconnected after restarting the server, the following problems occur.

7. If changing a user group or access group on the user settings page, the user's access group is deleted when the user is transferred to the device by Automatic User Synchronization.

8. Authentication fails if a user authenticates with AoC (Access on Card) issued as the mobile card.

9. When you assign a schedule to a user on the Schedule page of the TIME ATTENDANCE menu and apply it, loading is not completed due to the overload of the TA server.

10. When a user without administrator permissions logs in through the cloud, the user cannot log in normally because of the permission check.

11. An error occurs when a user requests the offline key for Time Attendance license.

Bug fixes

1. The titles of the list for USER, DEVICE, DOOR and ELEVATOR menus are displayed in English even if it is set as a language other than English.

2. When setting up a language other than Korean or English, the 'All Users' and 'Different Users' options do not appear due to misalignment of options on the <Manage Users in Device> page if the string is long.

3. The fingerprint search function does not work properly for application to visit the Terms and Conditions.

4. In the TIME ATTENDANCE menu, only 1,000 schedules are visible.

5. BioStar 2 and Suprema 2nd generation devices support Wiegand card format up to 256 bits, but only up to 32 digits when inputting card data values manually.

6. User cannot access TIME ATTENDANCE menu when connecting to BioStar 2 with a domain name.

7. When upgrading the version, the upgraded version is not applied in the system config item of AC, TA and Video database.

8. Restricted special characters can be input in usernames.

9. Visitors who have already agreed to the visit terms and conditions on the Visit Application Page are asked to agree again at check-in in the VISITOR menu.

10. The event name is output in English when exporting the event logs to CSV file if the language is set to a newly supported language (Spanish, Arabic).

11. Modified to allow addition of up to 32 events when setting up the image log.

12. If BioStar 2 service file is not replaced during the version upgrade, BioStar 2 will not be installed normally.

13. In version 2.7.7 of BioStar, local APIs could be registered and used even though access control license was not activated.

14. The ID of Wiegand Reader is displayed differently from the actual ID when checking the door information with [GET] doors in BioStar 2 API.

15. If a user sets the Date Format to dd/mm/yyyy, the error popup for the Period item is displayed even though the user set the period normally on the Visitor page.

16. Some user groups are missing during the migration in BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool.

17. If you upgrade XPass 2 (XP2-GKDPB) from the pop-up message that prompts users to upgrade the firmware at BioStar 2 login, the upgrade fails.