Table of Contents

Version 2.7.5 (V2.7.5.7)



New Features and Improvements

1. Add the Active Directory menu.

2. Supports the sorting of lists in the USER, DEVICE, and DOOR menus.

3. Removes the unsupported AoC events from the DEVICE, VIDEO and the Trigger & Action of Settings.

4. Supports that the administrator can change the port 9000 in setting.conf.

5. Added an Ambient Brightness option to the FaceStation 2 slave device.

Bug fixes

1. The iCLASS Seos and DESFire Advanced card formats are not applied when the administrator sets up the smart card layout.

2. If an administrator set a device as an Arm / Disarm device in the Intrusion Alarm Zone, and then exclude the door that is configured by that device, a 'Failed to parse JSON (700)' error occurs.

3. If user group information is not created normally when an administrator adds or edits a user group, the user list is not displayed when that group is selected.

4. Even if an administrator adds more than 249 custom levels, only 249 are displayed on the screen.제