Table of Contents

Version 2.7.8 (V2.7.8.42)



New Features and Improvements

1. Enables users to search for visitors using fingerprints in the visit application page and VISITOR menu.

2. Supports user group synchronization in Active Directory.

3. Supports multiple use function of controllers.

4. Supports Anti-Tailgating.

5. Supports setting options for Wiegand authentication result output.

6. Supports options for selection by card type

7. Supports the fingerprint/face duplicate check when registering users on a device.

Main fixes

1. A user cannot access to BioStar 2 if the language is set to Turkish on Windows.

2. A user cannot access to BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool in an environment using Oracle database.

3. Some logs are missing during log migration in BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool.

Bug fixes

1. Improved user interface in VISITOR menu

2. Deleted unused events in image log settings.

3. The user information is not output in <Manage Users in Device>.

4. The connection between BioStar 2 and Active Directory servers fails when the Active Directory encryption option is enabled after connecting to an Active Directory server.

5. Modified to check session expiration on some API calls.

6. The last sync time, as well as the connection test success or failure times, are output on <Synchronization> in Active Directory settings.

7. The sync time in the Active Directory settings is not updated in real time.

8. Errors occur when setting the period entry for user or visitor registration if the date format is set to 'dd/mm/yyyy'.