Table of Contents

Version 2.8.8 (V2.8.8.10)



New Features and Improvements

1. Supports batch registration of Visual Face using CSV import.

2. Stabilization of the thermal camera function

3. When using the Automatic User Synchronization option in ‘Specific Devices,’ the server will limit the retry attempt to three times for failed transfers.

4. BioStar 2 performance improvements

5. Improvements on New API 2.8.7

6. Changed db-converter to run in the background when installing BioStar 2.

7. Improved to check whether the encryption key matches when logging and show an error message if there is a mismatch.

8. Improved the logic confirming database connection upon installing BioStar 2.

9. Support of user synchronization exceptions in the Active Directory.

10. Changed to not display login permission in the logs.

11. Changed temperature column not to be a default column for event logs and real-time logs.

12. Visual Face Mobile Enrollment email content had been improved.

Main fixes

1. Event logs from slave devices could not be viewed after applying an event filter.

2. When Mobile Access Cards were issued using CSV Import while Personal Information DB Encryption was in use, if there was a duplicate card ID within the unassigned CSN card list, an error occurred.

3. Even though Mobile Access had not been set to be used, Mobile Access was able to be registered using CSV Import.

4. When the server restarted, Automatic User Synchronization settings were changed to the default values.

5. If an image log file path was changed while using Personal Information DB Encryption, the image log files in the changed path was not encrypted.

6. When migration was conducted using the BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool, the cards of some users were missing.

7. When using the Automatic User Synchronization option in ‘Specific Devices’, the user data was deleted due to synchronization errors.

8. When using the Automatic User Synchronization option in ‘Specific Devices’, data of users who registered visual faces were not synchronized.

9. Language resource was not applied successfully to the device. (FSF2-ODB)

Bug fixes

1. Card settings were set to ‘Disabled’ after changing the card settings in the CoreStation device detail page.

2. Modified DB queries to ensure correct use of case-sensitive table names when using MariaDB in a Linux environment.

3. It took a long time by referring a wrong address when entering MONITORING menu through the BioStar 2 cloud.

4. When the System.conf file was corrupted, the enckey file was also corrupted.

5. When User ID Type was set to Alphanumeric and Smart Card Type was set to Access on Card, the card ID did not automatically appear in the card ID section from the smart card issue screen.

6. When a user was registered in numbers of access groups, the order of the access groups appearing in the user list was different every time.

7. Errors related to running the video service

8. Problem where the Extended Auth Mode was deleted from BioStar 2, including the database.

9. When running Send Visual Face Mobile Enrollment Link with the cloud disabled, the error message text was not appearing correctly.

10. Visual Face image aspect ratio had been corrected.

11. An abnormal delay when scanning fingerprints for visitors.

12. Errors in the TIME ATTENDANCE menu

13. When more than 20 devices were registered to use Mobile Access, up to 20 devices were only displayed in the device list.