Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF Fold/unfold all Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help This is an old revision of the document! System Configuration, BioStar 2, Synchronization How to synchronize devices with the server You may have seen your device with a yellow symbol on the device menu once you connected the device to the server. This means that the device has different access group, door, zone, and user information than the server. In BioStar 2.5, device synchronization is automatic on device reconnection if you turned automatic user synchronization on. This means that when a device disconnected from the server, you had to click sync again in previous devices to synchronize the devices with the server but now that is automatic. From BioStar 2.7.1, a new device synchronization has been supported. If you choose 'All Devices(including user update from device), you can update some user information when you modify from device directly. From BioStar 2.7.11, 'Specific Devices(Only devices belonging to the access group)' has been included. This is a partial auto user synchronization mode which depends on the access group configuration. To get more detailed information, please check the document linked. ('Specific Devices(Only Devices Belonging to the Access Group)' Option) Configuring Automatic User Synchronization 1. Log in to BioStar 2 with an administrator account. 2. Click Setting. 3. Click SERVER. 4. On User/Device Management > Automatic User Synchronization. 5. Choose the synchronization mode which you want and Click Apply.