Option API

Save the fingerprint option information for the device.

int setFingerprintOption(FingerprintOption option)


  • option: fingerprint option information

Return Code

Returns “SUCCESS” if successfully launched; returns the corresponding error code if an error occurs.

Get the fingerprint option information for the device.

int getFingerprintOption(FingerprintOption option)


  • option: fingerprint option information

Return Code

Returns “SUCCESS” if successfully launched; returns the corresponding error code if an error occurs.

Save the card option information for the device.

int setCardOption(FingerprintOption option)


  • option: card option information

Return Code

Returns “SUCCESS” if successfully launched; returns the corresponding error code if an error occurs.

Get the card option information for the device.

int getCardOption(CardOption option)


  • option : card option information

Return Code

Returns “SUCCESS” if successfully launched; returns the corresponding error code if an error occurs.

Save the Wiegand option information for the device.

int setWiegandOption(WiegandOption option)


  • option: Wiegand option information

Return Code

Returns “SUCCESS” if successfully launched; returns the corresponding error code if an error occurs.

Get the Wiegand option information for the device.

int getWiegandOption(WiegandOption option)


  • option: Wiegand option information (WiegandOption)

Return Code

Returns “SUCCESS” if successfully launched; returns the corresponding error code if an error occurs.