Old revisions Add to book Export to PDF This is an old revision of the document! User Management API > BS2_GetUserInfosFaceEx BS2_GetUserInfosFaceEx [+ 2.7.1] Gets the user information of the given user ID. This API can retrieve a visual camera based credential. Declaration #include "BS_API.h" int BS2_GetUserInfosFaceEx(void* context, uint32_t deviceId, char* uids, uint32_t uidCount, BS2UserFaceExBlob* userBlob); See BS2UserFaceExBlob Also Parameter [In] context : Context [In] deviceId : Device ID [In] uids : User ID list trying to get [In] uidCount : Number of user ID [Out] userBlob : Pointer to store the user information Return Value If successfully done, BS_SDK_SUCCESS will be returned. If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned. See Also BS2_EnrollUserFaceEx BS2_GetUserInfosFaceEx BS2_GetUserDatasFaceEx