SDK API > BS2_MakePinCodeWithKey

[+ 2.7.1] Encryptes PIN code with the user-defined PIN encryption key.
The user-defined PIN encryption key must be the one set by BS2_SetDataEncryptKey.


#include "BS_API.h"
int BS2_MakePinCodeWithKey(void* context, char* plaintext, unsigned char* ciphertext, const BS2EncryptKey* key)


  • [In] context : Context
  • [In] plaintext : Plain text needs to be encrypted
  • [Out] ciphertext : Buffer to store encrypted data
  • [In] key : User-defined encryption key information structure

ciphertext buffer size is BS2_PIN_HASH_SIZE

Return Value

If successfully done, BS_SDK_SUCCESS will be returned.
If there is an error, the corresponding error code will be returned.